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Well, I'm goin' on a trip!

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  • Well, I'm goin' on a trip!

    My kids live down in Yucca Valley, I am up in Nor Cal.
    My daughter is having a bit of trouble in school so I am going to be going back down there for 3 months starting April 1st. and at the end of those 3 months bringing her back up here to live with me.

    I got my old job back temporarily at The Desert Lily and am very thankful to the owner Carrie for helping me out through this!

    Why am I telling you this?

    Because I have nowhere I can stay while I am there so I am going to be camping. I have never camped for more than a week in a row and I know I will have to be extra prepared because I will also be going it alone.

    I am excited though. I figure I will spend 2 weeks at Black Rock Canyon which is part of JTNP. Then maybe another 2 weeks at Indian Cove campground, also part of JTNP and will plan further as it goes. Both places are close to stores so that helps.

    In this thread I will begin to make my own camping checklist.
    I see this as an adventure and hope it all goes smoothly.

    If anybody has any tips on how to make a long term camping trip a bit easier, feel free to help me out!

    Thank you my new camping friends!
    Last edited by SilverMaggie; 02-02-2010, 04:48 PM.
    My Other Interest

  • #2
    Take books, magazines, and a radio...
    Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
    USMC Retired


    • #3
      Reserved for checklist

      Still need to purchase:

      - Airbed
      - Several cans of mace
      - Snake bite kit


      - Dishes
      - Towels (paper and cloth)
      - Dish Soap
      - Tub for washing dishes


      - 2 Jackets (one light, one heavy)
      - Gloves
      - Wool socks


      - Clothesline
      - Camera and tripod


      - Pillows (2)
      Last edited by SilverMaggie; 03-15-2010, 05:46 PM.
      My Other Interest


      • #4
        Those campgrounds are kinda expensive. Sure there are flush pottys there but you'll be paying for them in your camping fees. Here's a couple of suggestions.

        On Hwy 62, five miles north of the north turn-off to Joshua Tree there is a road called Old Crown Rd. 200 yards off that road is a small campground that is free. There is a vault toilet there. That road goes up to the abandon Virginia Dale Mine. That's might be an option.

        At the corner of Hwy 62 and Park Blvd. in the town of Joshua Tree. It's the south east corner, there is a store that rock climbers hang-out at and the owner there has showers which run very hot water and $1.00 gets you a 15 minute shower. When we stayed here last year in January at Jumbo Rock Campground...that's where we went to bathe. We camped there 10 days and showered twice.

        Remember Black Rock Campground is at nearly 5000' and the wind (hawk) is merciless there almost all the time.

        Since you're from there "Yucca Valley" you probably know this but instead of driving up to Black Rock Campground another option is the Morongo County Park just before you get to Yucca Valley. We never stayed there but have seen it many times. It's between Morongo Valley and Yucca Valley but closer to Yucca Valley.

        Maybe you old employer may allow you to camp close to them if they own vacate land, at least I'd ask. Good luck...hope you can stay on-line while you're down there but if not take plenty photos! A daughter really needs her mom.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Long Term Camping List

          Get a couple of small cotton bathroom rugs for in your tent. Don't get the kind with a rubber bottom just cotton. It's nice to rest your toes on in the morning when you get up.

          Pick up an old rug piece to keep outside to rest under a camp chair, it'll help keep the dust down.

          Keep your tent zipped, only air your tent out when you know you'll be there all day or for a long spell. If you leave a dust-devil could start and when you came back everything will be covered in sand.

          Wal-mart has 6 g plastic water cans. get a couple and always remember to have water on hand.

          Snake-bite kit. A well stocked first-aid kit.
          Get a wide-brimmed hat! Sun-screen! Always try to wear long pants when out walking around, the desert can scratch back.

          Tent stakes...good steel ones. Wal-mart sells them 6 for $4.00 or so. Anchor your tent really good. Use a hammer to pound in your stakes. Tie-down your tie downs, like I said the wind will blow as you well know. Good luck.

          Keep your meals as simple as you can and reward yourself once a week by eating out some place even if it's fast food. Keep your valuables in your car and locked all the time.
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


          • #6
            Coyote Corner, I know the people there.
            I do have friends in Yucca so the showers are free

            I was going to see if the camp had a special rate for a 2 week tent camper.

            That will be rattlesnake season, I ALWAYS keep my tent closed! Not to mention scorpions...

            I know all to well about the crappy wind...yuk.

            Great idea on asking if I can camp on the B&B grounds, also on the bathroom rugs!

            I will google the places you pointed out to me, I never heard of them.

            Thank you SO much for taking the time to research for me, I appreciate it!

            I will be taking my laptop with me for sure!
            Last edited by SilverMaggie; 02-02-2010, 04:46 PM.
            My Other Interest


            • #7
              I can't find Old Crown Rd. I searched on Google maps and it cannot find it either.
              My Other Interest


              • #8
                It might be marked as the Virginia Dale Mine Rd. It isn't an organized campground. It's more of a wide spot. I camped there in 2003 so it might not be there today. NPS always seem to make camping around JTNP hard on us cheaper campers.

                Another area is the town or Rimwalk it's north of Yucca Valley on Pioneer Rd. There is a road called Pipes Springs and I know camping is permitted along that road for free cause we camped there in 2006 when I went to see some friends at Twenty-Nine Palms. The road is a back road into Big Bear Lake, but you need a sturdy 4x4 for sure!

                Yep, Coyote Corner is the name of that shower place. I'm happy for you!
                You won't be stinking a bit! HaHa!!:D

                If you camp for free, get a portable table(folding). And a heavy-duty tarp to strap for shade over the table. Kelty has a Shadehouse that is designed real good for use in high winds. We own two. But they aren't cheap.

                The reason I like JTNP so much is that any time of year including June, July & August there is always something blooming there and I'm a flower nut! We really like Belle Campground in July...there is no one there...just like Manzanita Campground in the winter...there is no one there! LOL
                Last edited by renodesertfox; 02-02-2010, 05:26 PM.
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                • #9
                  I just remembered another spot, it's BLM land and we camped there before. It's off of Quail Springs Rd on a dirt road called Onaga Tr.

                  Another one of my concerns is safety. Being in a secluded area alone kinda scares me. I am a little person, only 5'1" and feel vulnerable. I do have 'protection' but i'm not licensed or registered yet. Something I should get if I'm gonna carry.
                  My Other Interest


                  • #10
                    Get a can of can't go to jail for using mace...just shooting someone you can. Get three cans of for your purse, one in the tent, and one in the car and stash that one under the drivers seat. Get another one and put it in you trunk. Also put a couple of flat-head screw drivers in the trunk too. An air-horn is another device that keeps strangers away...and let people you trust know where you are, by cracky!

                    In bear country, camping mace is all you need!

                    On Federal property, with just a loaded handgun the fine is high and prison time for sure. Mace is better and if attack it'll be close quarters so mace is very effective! You'll be okay!
                    Last edited by renodesertfox; 02-02-2010, 05:41 PM.
                    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                    • #11
                      Hey, once you have what you think you'll need try in your future to keep these items set aside for only camping. We store items in bags(cloth) and have set them apart from our household stuff. So whenever we are ready for camping ...just grab a bag and go! You're doing good so far. Let us know if you want us to know, if not, don't! You might want to get a smaller tent to keep your supplies in or other stuff so the interior of your car won't look like Fred Sanford's( remember him)! Haha! Just my thoughts...!

                      If you do decide to "carry" the safe way is to get the firearm registered! I carry and I'm registered...I pack alot of expensive camera gear, so you never know. Now I only use it for targets.
                      Last edited by renodesertfox; 02-02-2010, 10:05 PM.
                      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                      • #12
               much to think about!
                        I do plan on keeping everything together for future camping trips.

                        Another issue I may have is with the truck I'm going to be taking, it doesn't have a camper shell and all my stuff will be wide open. I have a 1988 (I know, OLD!) F150 and need to price camper shells for it.


                        I don't know what you mean by this??

                        Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
                        Let us know if you want us to know, if not, don't!

                        Thanks again
                        My Other Interest


                        • #13
                          I was just thinking that some people bottle everything up and not talk about it. You're got some time to think and when you go back south you'll be better prepared that when you moved up north(I think). Thanks for sharing your concerns here and I guess I'll shut up for awhile and let other campers chime in. I know they probably got some great tips too. We do have a great truck campers here...Eaglebait comes to mind and he could help you with that camper shell issue, more than I. I'm strictly a tent camper. And we always take a lot of extras.
                          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                          • #14
                            There are also always little hide a way spots you can camp. When I road trip I will drive until I'm tired, exit off and drive a mile or two and usually camp in a farmers field or something like that. I wake up with the sun throw the tent in the truck and keep going
                            Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
                            USMC Retired


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
                              I guess I'll shut up for awhile and let other campers chime in.

                              You don't have to shut up, I totally appreciate all the helpful words you have said!

                              Incase you haven't noticed, I am a talker! I'm also a forum junkie
                              Especially on the days I'm off work!
                              My Other Interest

