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Penmanship of the Great Outdoors

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  • Penmanship of the Great Outdoors

    Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
    I think it might be a well spent thread if you composed poetry, ghost stories or short stories. It might be fun and open minded.
    With the positive response from Vegas I decided I would dedicate a thread solely to the form of communication all of us use daily here at, the written word. If you have composed any short stories (fiction or non-fiction), song lyrics, poetry, or any other form of written artistic expression inspired by anything to do with the outdoors please feel free to share. I would bet that a majority of us on here would enjoy reading, and this can also be a great opportunity to see what others have to say about your work.

    I will start it off with a spur of the moment poem I wrote back in '04. It describes our journey through life and how we must follow our hearts and trust in ourselves.

    A Walk in the Woods
    ~As the sun peeks out of the haze in the dawn I hold my breath
    Frost kisses the grasses in the fence line, it keeps me in step
    As I exhale my moist breath is seen in the coldness of the morn
    I turn my ears to the scurrying squirrels vocalizing their scorn
    I stop my pace and gaze upon a cardinal sitting on limb
    The magnificent scarlet bird hops to the ground and begins
    Searching for sustenance to keep him warm amongst other things
    As the sun finally takes over the world and warmth to the earth it brings
    I begin my pace back where it was and come upon a fallen tree
    The broken bark and scarred tissue shows me its age, and it talks to me
    Tells me of its many years standing tall, proud, and dominant
    And of its demise during a storm when mother nature was ominous
    So on this tree I take a seat and ponder life’s great mysteries
    And whether or not the path I’m taking will lead me where I need to be
    To get to this tree I am sitting on now, as I wonder and gaze in awe
    I had to take a certain path, but I know I haven’t strayed afar
    I followed my eyes, my ears, and my feet led me to this hallowed place
    I did not have a map, nor directions, and now here I sit, amazed
    Life is like a walk in the woods when quiet solitude finds you
    The one thing that leads you where you go will never deny you
    Follow your heart, and all its loves, and you will never lose your way
    Off the well beaten path I chose to go, and it is how I am here today
    So I leave this place, and will never forget my journey through the woods
    Has made me wise and knowing that I walk confident, foot after foot
    Until another moment in time when all in the world seems right
    I will follow my heart and my soul and know that I am in sight
    Of the next tree around the bend where I will stop and ponder
    Cause the path of life is like a walk in the woods, never be afraid to wander~

    Written by Waterfowler84
    "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~

  • #2
    Very nice W, thanks for sharing! Don't know how many more poets and writers are campers too, I'm sure there are plenty. Perhaps this will spark a flurry of activity, we shall see.

    One of my favorite writer/composer's is Bob Dylan, here's a little sample of his work:

    "Bird on the horizon
    Sittin' on a fence
    Singing his song for me
    At his own expense.
    Well, I'm just like that bird,
    Singin' my song for you.
    We can make it through
    And you can make it too!"

    Once again thanks for sharing!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Mother of Life

      Throughout the life I’ve lived till now at my young age of 25 years

      I have loved my Mother Earth, to my heart I have kept her near

      For she is my sole provider, the source of all I have

      Creator of life, usher of death, the cause of good and bad

      She gives without condition, yet we take from her with greed

      If she had flesh like you and I so badly would she bleed

      We scar the land and clear the woods to fill our pocketbooks

      We dredge the seas, pollute the skies, we pillage her health like crooks

      Who will stand and fight for her for she has no voice to speak

      Who will say “I’ve had enough, my Mother is far too weak!”

      Often times we shrug her off, and sometimes forget she’s there

      What will it take for all to see, our Mother needs urgent care

      Continued abuse and disregard will forever take her away

      And once she’s gone it will be too late, please hear me when I say

      To my Mother Earth I owe so much, without her I would not exist

      I could not behold her beauty, and never would I feel her kiss

      The kiss of her ocean spray on my cheek, or the salty wind in my hair

      Never stand in awe at her mountain peaks, and breathe her crisp clean air

      Never listen to her waters rush by as I rest on her river banks

      And stare at her clouds she hung in the sky that float by me so charming and quaint

      I ask you now as my sibling in life, help me love her as much as we can

      Giving back to our Mother is part of our growth, from a child to a woman or a man

      A miracle given to us from beyond the stars, a perfect creation at birth

      There is no other that nurtures our lives, quite like our Mother Earth
      Last edited by Waterfowler84; 03-08-2010, 08:51 PM.
      "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~


      • #4

        Natural Love

        Refreshing, like waking in the dawn to the pitter patter of a spring rain

        Soothing, like the crackling of a glowing fire with its hypnotizing flame

        Comforting, like being wrapped in blankets hearing the winter wind blowing

        Undeniable, like the sunrise is sure to peak over the horizon each morning

        Irresistible, like ripened fruit begging to be picked and indulged with a bite

        Fascinating, like the northern lights dancing throughout the night

        Blissful, like a sunrise so beautiful, a portrait painted by God’s hand

        Eternal, as true love should be between a woman and a man
        "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~


        • #5
          Some thing are forever

          It's minutes before dawn. Am in that half awake stage of early morning. In only days my seventy-first birthday will pass.
          Then I hear them, two men in the kitchen. Mumbled voices and the smell of coffee brewing and bacon frying.
          I hear the snap of a wooden match and inhale a wiff of a
          newly lit camel.
          Mixed with the tangy king edward cigar smoke of my Pop.
          This can't be right.
          How did we get to Michigan. That old summer cabin where Denny and Pop and I spent weeks each year.
          I was the guys troling motor. Each morning at daybreak and each evening just befor dusk it was my job to row the heavy old metal Lund bath tube while pop sat in the bow and Denny in the stern.
          When fish were being played to the boat, it was my task to have landing net at the ready.
          Largemouth bass were usually caught. With a northern pike (snake) from time to time. Pike were all teeth and fury. To be dispatched with an iron bar and discarded.
          It is all so real. Then is now. I loved these two men. One was my father. The other his best friend and I carry his name, Denny.
          This is not the first time this has occured. Many times Pop says softly. Think need the that net boy. and Denny whispers, Bob looks like a big northern. Best hang on.
          Hear the splash of cold spring lake water and fell a warmth that these two always triggered in me. A feeling of being needed and important. Here I mattered and earn my keep. Not something an eight year old feels often.
          Each time these moments happen, they are so real that I hate to wake.
          I can see and smell and hear all that is happening. But, then the moments are gone as are Pop and
          Yet that warmth and love the we three shared remains. I only pray I have left my children with the feeling such as these.
          Today for most fishing is about bass tourneys. Fancy fast boats and high fives.
          But, to me fishing is all about when Pop whispered, "think we need that net boy."
          Last edited by angler57; 03-07-2010, 03:28 PM.


          • #6
            Angler...all I can say is amazing! Nothing is quite as soul stirring as hearing about other's deepest most vivid dreams, especially ones that touch an individual so deeply that they are in that moment with all their senses. Thank you for sharing that it was very moving and reminded me to appreciate all the time I have left with my father and his best friend, who like Pop and Denny, made me feel as part of something when I was a young boy and formed a bond with me much like yours to them. Kudos!!!
            "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~


            • #7
              Do you see what you started. Huh...Fantastic! I love this thread! Just don't use green type, please!

              This is awesome! A whole new realm is upon us! Thanks Moonshine...I never thought for a moment you a poet! Well done, my friend!!!! And Angler has contributed too! Excellent! Thanks for sharing your soul!:o

              We shall have apple pie tonight, by cracky...that's as poetic as I get!
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
                Just don't use green type, please!
                Done and done sir!! :-) Glad you are enjoying this thread, and I encourage more of you all to share with us if you have any sort of writings at all no matter what they may be. If you write about the outdoors let us enjoy your insight and views on the natural world that we all love.

                Originally posted by vegasdesertfox View Post
                We shall have apple pie tonight, by cracky thats right!
                Last edited by Waterfowler84; 03-08-2010, 08:57 PM.
                "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~


                • #9
                  For years I fished from smoke pots. Be it 3.5 hp or 65 hp, it was a gas powered kicker. Last boat came off Lake Michigan.
                  Center console and a treasure.
                  She was getting a lot of years on her and needed more and more maintainance. Wife and I were in the same condition.
                  With tears hidden from the new owner, signed papers making her his. Was as tough as losing a huntin dog.
                  But, that following spring realized it was one of those things that was meant to be. Saw a couple at a local park lake. They were in kayaks. Little 9ft. 6in. boats. After imposing myself upon them with questions, purchased our first of four, pardon,
                  five kayaks.
                  Wife and I bundled up in warm gear and vest as our learning began.
                  Soon learned that moving about using these tiny pieces of fiber glass silently on the water was easy. Shortly after that dumped a brush pile and out came three juvenile otters.
                  Amazing!!!!. A tiny, silent platform perfect for photographing
                  wildlife, fishing or just getting out and sharing moments with
                  Also found it a wonderful medium to share time with what people call the Great Spirit. God. Or, what ever word suits you best. Maybe just silent moments with your own thoughts.
                  Whatever you choose to call those special times they are restful and beyond value.
                  And, oneness with nature. For me they are better than hikes into the bush or sitting in a wooded grove with only the sun and wind as companions.
                  Admit as I age getting out of my lovely beat up ole boat. It is much like myself. Getting out of the kayak after a couple hours is difficult. Usually just beach her and crawl out. Legs won't pick me up anymore.
                  But, thats alright. Pride is for young folks. The boat and I have an understanding. I take her to the water and she keeps me safe and happy and afloat.


                  • #10
                    My wife is always quick to make a point to me that like a kid, sometimes I say the darndest things. Once late in the evening I shared a rumanation with her that occured to me as we gazed into our campfire.

                    Gazing quietly and listening to the sounds of critters stirring in the bush I suddenly could see a fella sitting in a cave enterance stoking a fire.
                    He was attentive and fearful of the stirring of animals
                    in the darkness beyond the cave.
                    Further inside his shelter lay a dozen fur clad men, women and children. They all slept in a half awake slumber.
                    This fire at their homes door was all that kept them alive.
                    Then thru the rambling of the mind I could see a man carefully selecting scraps for a fire in the Cumberland gap wilderness. His mind reminding him that smoke or the smell of smoke could mean his death. This land was the scared hunting grounds of several tribes.
                    A trapper or hunter from the east. The white faced man was not allowed here. Death was the price for entering here.
                    Now I see four healthy well fed people.A man and a woman from the USA. Graying and a tad past middle age.
                    Seated across the fire are a young couple from Hamilton
                    Ontario. As they sit quietly sipping coffee as the northern lights flash on the horizon, they seem so close to those people in animal skins quaking in their sleep, before the fire light.
                    All of these people finding comfort and hope in flames that have sparkled and danced for thousands of years.
                    Things are never just a canoe or a camp fire. But, so much more.

