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Out and About Again!!!!

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  • Out and About Again!!!!

    Weather is cold and damp. Taking Road Trek to garage for bit of repair. Has been rainy and in mid-sixties for several weeks.
    Took a day rip yesterday to an orchard/winery an hour away. It is a pick your own or shop at company store. With rain falling Lady and I shopped store. Came home with fresh strawberries and tomatos from Ontario Canada (green house maters). All were wonderful.
    Their Deli has great food so lunched there.
    Fun trip, even managed to get lost heading into Louisville from Knobs.

  • #2
    The rain you're getting now probably was through here in the Sierra a few days ago. Man, it was just getting nice, then whammy, back to near winter conditions. Cold breeze this morning but no rain. Final prep for our campout, leaving 'morrow. Puttin' the 'yak atop the jeep and strappin' stuff down. Still gotta run and get a small bag of charcoal and blueberries for our flapjacks and Starbucks too for de-cafe espresso 1 lb. It's great gettin' out an' 'bout!:p Thanks, Denny for startin' this thread!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

