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any deer hunters on here?

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  • any deer hunters on here?

    Just wondering how many of you are deer hunters, or have hunted. How was your luck this year? Or still waiting for the venison to appear in the freezer? Sorry but I am going brag. I got my deer at noon on the first day of the season in the great state of Pennsylvania on November 29. 8 points, almost 9! It was the first deer I have ever taken. Ten years of hunting!!! They are pretty smart.
    Two pictures I included, one of the rack, and one of the packed meat, all ready for the freezer. Thanks for letting me brag!!!

  • #2
    Congrats, that's some good-looking backstrap. I Didn't go out this year with the oldest in college and hunting buddies with family issues. Believe it or not, I typically hunt mulies in the Sierras with my M4-gery. It's a lighter alternative than my 20" match-grade service AR15.
    “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
    ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


    • #3
      Pricey, no luck for me this year so far - but it is early yet. Had our first day of Muzzle-loading Season last Saturday, I got skunked but my buddies saw a couple nice does. Only bucks count though! The last week of December is Doe Season though, and we will try our luck again.

      At this point I feel like that old joke about the Indian word for a poor hunter.......

      a "Vegitarian"! :D
      Last edited by Bigdog57; 12-09-2010, 04:04 AM.
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #4
        Not this year either for me, our big adventure was movin from Vegas to Reno. In days gone by I have been a successful bow-hunter, but nothin the last four years. The first two of those last four saw me wheel-chair living and then last year the back surgery, then this year the move to Reno and gettin back to just being able to do normal things without the wheel-chair. Seems I'm slowin down a bit. Becomed more we are spending more time in wine country or I should say drinkin the beverage and enjoying it more.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Nice buck.

          Nice buck. No, I haven't filled my freezer yet and here in South Dakota, I will probably have better luck running one over than hunting one down.


          • #6
            Re: any deer hunters on here?

            I am addicted to deer hunting! I was fortunate enough to get 3 the opening morning of modern rifle this year. Haven't seen another one since, though. Got skunked during early and late muzzleloader. Gonna go bow hunting this coming weekend and have a hunt with my oldest boy planned for the first weekend in January for a youth hunt. Time to see what he can do with a .243 or a 30/30.

            I'm not a horn hunter. I strictly hunt for the meat, so does are really all I'm interested in. If some crazy behemoth buck were to walk out I'd probably take him, but so far, my does have all eaten better than my bucks. I'm not too proud to take a young one either (I do draw the line at the ones young enough to still have spots on their backs or milk on their chins), the tenderest meat in the woods are the yearlings.

            I also do all my own butchering. I love watching my Sunday NFL games while I'm preparing the meat for the freezer! One of these days I'll teach myself how to make summer sausage. All I really do now is grind up some burger for chili, take the roasts and the backstraps and then I call it done.


            • #7
              Re: any deer hunters on here?

              I saw 14 deer while hunting last fall but only does and small bucks which I didn't want to shoot. Deer numbers are down in Georgia from 10 years ago. Liberal bag limits and lots of coyotes are possible causes.

              Turkey season opens March 26.
              When I awoke, the Dire Wolf
              Six hundred pounds of sin
              Was grinning at my window
              All I said was, "Come on in".


              • #8
                Re: any deer hunters on here?

                Am to old and to comfort addicted to get out these days.
                My best hunts always began the winter prior.
                Building (kit guns CVA).
                First, cap and ball, then flintlocke.
                Love flints. More fun than a B.A.R.
                Hunt with camera now.


                • #9
                  Re: any deer hunters on here?

                  I ended my hunting season with ZERO deer in the freezer. :(

                  Ah well. I did get a hasty shot at one rather stupid young spike Bambi that just 'appeared' on the food plot barely fifty yards from me, when had decided to call it a day. I was down on the road next to the food plot, rifle slung and I am taking pictures of the area..... then here's Bambi head-down facing me, munching the tender new grass on the food plot! How he didn't see me in the open, I will never know. Wasted a few seconds deciding to take his pic or tryto get the rifle up.....
                  Got the crosshairs on him just as he looks up....
                  People think deer don't have facial expressions - THEY DO!
                  The sudden realization in his eyes that he'd majorly messed up, and that mutual "OH CRAP!" moment for the both of us.... hilarious when I thought of it later!
                  He jumped just as I shot..... he bounded away - my shot went under him! :mad:
                  We tracked him a ways - but no blood trail. Bambi lives to grow bigger and smarter for next season. :cool:
                  Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


                  • #10
                    Re: any deer hunters on here?


                    As long as health is good. you're not too old. I hunted dangerous game in Africa at 66. Brown Bear in Alaska at 67.

                    Who knows when you'll be too feble to do this. Maybe tomorrow.
                    When I awoke, the Dire Wolf
                    Six hundred pounds of sin
                    Was grinning at my window
                    All I said was, "Come on in".


                    • #11
                      Re: any deer hunters on here?

                      you are located not far from my home town of North Vernon. I done a bunch of electicial work in those Japanese auto plants out there.
                      On the thread note, the 2 days that I could go hunting this season, I was busy with my kid and work. The work part will change next year. One of the biggest problems we had out here in Colorado was people not knowing what they were shooting at. People were killing Moose during Elk season, with only Elk licenses.


                      • #12
                        Re: any deer hunters on here?

                        I bow hunt and while I buy a tag in case a mulie gets in front of my arrow, I hunt elk. September in the Rockies is without equal.
                        FlashLantern turns your flashlight into a lantern!


                        • #13
                          Re: any deer hunters on here?

                          thats why i got back into camping.hunted the shawnee forest in illinois last year and camped for 5 nights by myself.ended up with a big fat 4 point.had an absolute blast.


                          • #14
                            Re: any deer hunters on here?

                            Rifle and bow hunter here, also have hunters every year. Check out my sig for my ranches FaceBook page, it has lots of photos of hunters, deer taken, and some on the hoof.
                            Los Cuernos Ranch on Facebook


                            • #15
                              Re: any deer hunters on here?

                              30 years ago I was a fair shooting bow hunter, skinner & trapper. Up in Alaska I had wolverine traps & beaver traps. Tried black bear huntin a few times with bow, even pheasant and duck with bow. Then I enlisted in Army and trained as a Ranger. After the Army daze and injury to my back(hard landing in a CH47) wearing a monkey strap gave up huntin altogether. Last year I've started huntin again, since I had back surgery in 09, only with 12 gauge for pheasant and a 30/30 for deer. No meat so far, just the great adventure of being out on the green earth.
                              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

