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A Reminder

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  • A Reminder

    Howdy Campateers....just wanted to remind y'all that sometimes it pays dividends to go back and check out your settings in your profile from time to time. You can see who visited you, change some settings to fit your needs. Maybe add an avatar(picture) to your name(real or pretend). I use a desert fox for mine, but others use real photos. Also you can find someone in the community that you admire and send them a friendship request! Why me, if I told you everything we'd miss the campfire! But that is just some of the stuff anyone can do from time to time. Check out your profile page, things might have changed since you first hired on! Get Camping!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult