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Rim Walks - Trinity Alps

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  • Rim Walks - Trinity Alps

    From our base camp at Paradise Lake (elev. 6126'), a good 4 miles in the distance is Kings Castle (elev. 7334'), a marble rock outcropping.

    Images: (L to R)

    There it lay....... From mile 2 to mile 3 was spring fed marshy land, which was rather difficult to get through.

    About half way up. The white "slab" there is about an 8' diameter of marble, none other around but there. It was an interesting finnd.

    We took a break before the assent. We found it easier to go around, clockwise, to get to the top.

    With the peak behind me, that is the view from Kings Castle, looking towards the Marble Mountain Wilderness (peaks at 6000'+ and 4.5 mi away).

    See ya on the trail........
    Last edited by Eaglebait Ranch; 12-07-2009, 07:20 PM.
    So. Oregon
    TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
    TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
    SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)

  • #2
    Walking Peaks - Marble Mountains

    The day before we had just ventured from the Big Flat, along the Salmon River, followed the headwaters, and "switchbacked" up about 1200' to the Sawtooth Peaks. I am still looking for those images.

    The next day we headed to the peak you see in these images. Unfortunately, I don't have any images from the peak, but assuredly, we made it and the views were spectacular.

    See ya on the trail...........
    So. Oregon
    TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
    TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
    SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)


    • #3
      Tri-Forest Peaks

      I found the images for the 5 day "loop" through the Tri Forest Peaks. Ta- Dah!
      Images: (l to R)

      Sunset picture, taken from our first night's camp (+/-5300'), looking at Tri-Forest Peaks (7211'), where we will get to the next day. It is about a 3 mile walk to the end of this basin then the "UP elevator" of switchbacks to the base of the "sawtooths".

      Next morning. We stopped about half way up the "elevator" for breakfast, and took this image - looking east.

      At the top, showing the far end of the basin, where we camped the night before

      From one of the "sawtooths", looking west, where we will be headed after we take all this in, expecting to be at the top of the first peak the late afternoon of the next day. We have to take the trail down into Deer Creek Basin (5300'+), then back up to the right of that peak (7506').

      There is one more saddle we went over............ I am looking for those pictures.

      See ya on the trail.............
      Last edited by Eaglebait Ranch; 12-07-2009, 07:12 PM.
      So. Oregon
      TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
      TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
      SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)


      • #4
        Out....standing! Simply beautiful...Oh how my heart aches to see such glorious sighs...! High atitude windows!! Makes my poor heart.... skip a beat! These are great! Great the wonders of mother earth! I'm so glad you had a camera worth recording your events!! Thanks for the uploads! Wonderful pictures! Oh and yes...thanks for sharing!!! btw: I'm not over dramatic, hike some atitude yourself, you'll know where I'm coming from then, by cracky!
        Last edited by renodesertfox; 12-04-2009, 10:21 PM.
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Love the pics....nothing like crisp air, blue skies, and whispy high clouds to make a perfect day of hiking and photography! Thanks for sharing
          "Survival isn't learned overnight" ~XXXMoonshineXXX~


          • #6
            Great pics

            What great pics, It appears that you are having a neat adventure.

