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Camping in Grizz Country

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  • Camping in Grizz Country

    The National Park Service has come a VERY long ways in its park management in regards to Grizzly Bears. Remember back in the 60's and the 70's? The famous dumpster-diving Grizzly Bears of Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks? The bears were a popular attraction all by itself - never mind the rest of the park.

    Happily, as research (and some would say common sense) finally caught up to Park Managers, they realized that the dumpster diving bears had associated people with food. And by so doing, it was leading to more and more negative encounters between people and bears - both on the trail and, more ominously, in camp.

    As such, the National Park Service instituted sweeping changes to cut back on grizzly bear/human interaction. The first of which, and by far the most important, was to take away the "food source" that bears had come to take for granted and what was leading the bears to associate food with people. Garbage dumps were cleaned up. New ways of disposing of trash were instituted in the parks, including the invention of "grizzly proof" trash cans.

    Additionally, "problem bears" - or those bears that showed no sign of cleaning up their act for whatever reason - were either moved to far away destinations (which didn't always work, since the bears would frequently come back!), or were destroyed (the park terminology for killing bears that are "problem bears").

    The success of the National Park Service has had with their policies is abundantly clear today. The number of bear maulings of people has dropped considerably. And the maulings that do occur are almost always due to hikers just being unlukcy - such as stumbling upon a female grizzly bear that has cubs; or the hiker being stupid - such as getting closer to a bear for a better photo.

    Yet, the fixing up of National Park Service procedures was only one brick in the wall for preventing human/bear encounters. Other bricks required changes in how people camped in bear country - changes that people don't always follow (usually to their detriment, I may add!). So, let's go over some thins that campers should always do when camping in Grizzly Bear country - wheather that be in a designated National Park like Glacier or in the remote wildlands such as the Bob Marshall Wilderness.

    Bear Camping Checklist

    Storage of Food : If you don't get this right, nothing else matters! So I'll make this simple. Store all food either in a bearproof container or in a special zippered container that is airtight (thus preventing odors) that is then suspended well off the ground. And, make sure this food - whether it is in a container or suspended off the ground - is located AT LEAST 200 feet away from your camp.

    If you are car camping, you don't have to use this extreme measure of suspending food, happily. Instead, when car camping in bear country, store ALL food when not being used in your vehicles trunk or interior, making sure that the windows to the vehicle are fully rolled up (thereby preventing the smell of food from traveling too far).

    And above all - never, ever leave any food unattened. PERIOD!!
    Food In Tents - NO!!! : Common sense stuff here. But absolutely, positively do NOT eat food in a tent. Even if you don't leave any food laying around when you're done, you will have dropped crumbs most likely. And the smell of the food, depending on what you ate, may also linger in/around the tent. And those crumbs and enticing smells WILL attract wildlife, especially those that have keen senses like Grizzly Bears.

    Cooking Area Not By Camp : Another common sense thing here. Try to make sure the area where you cook the food is well away from where you will be camping. For backcountry camping, this is ESSENTIAL.
    For car campers, once done cooking the food, make sure you wash all dishes and put ALL the cooking gear (pots, pans, dishes, cups, stoves) back inside a locked vehicle that has all windows closed. The trunk will work nicely too. Good luck!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult