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Camping: Do You Sprawl?

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  • Camping: Do You Sprawl?

    Howdy Campateers,
    Here's another interesting question to kick around and perhaps chat about during these chilly winter days! When you go camping how much sprawl (spreading out) do you actually do? Is your sleeping area 100' from your main campfire ring? Do you keep your wood under tarps and away from your campfire ring?

    Yes...I sprawl some, if the campsite is large enough. But if it's colder I tend to keep things close and sometimes we donot even have a campfire. You can warm one side of your body but the other side gets chilled. I haven't really hung a tarp over the tent in a long time because the desert affords no trees to do this. But on a real hot late Spring camping trip I hung a tarp off the jeep to give us shade in the day. That was at Kelso Dunes, in the Mojave National Preserve in California...that May weekend it was 115 degrees in the shade and then all we cared about was staying cool. It was also like that in Death Valley National Park in 2007 in July. We were the only tenters there, or so it seemed! Man it was hot! Yes I like to sprawl but it doesn't really seem like sprawling just having our things where we can get at them. We have a Kelty "Cabana" (a half tent). It's designed to be used on a beach to provide shade but instead of junking up the jeep with stuff we aren't using I pitch the Cabana and store all our bags and extra stuff in there. It helps to keep our tent cleaner too and if we go shopping someplace it gives my bride the feeling that we have all the room in the world so she ends up buying artifacts or what I call dust keepers. So what about you? When you camp, do you sprawl?:D
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    MC Camping has always meant keeping my 'footprint' small. But with the new van, I'll be carrying more gear and can spread out some! I am thinking of a smallish screened awning sort of affair, for cooking and sitting back in camp chairs - found a chair big enough for us Big Dawgs! Got a folding table too - so I am expanding my 'horizons'! At our MC campouts, we always have a sort of 'communal fire ring' for everybody to gather around.
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      I don't sprawl much. Well, I try not to but it's hard when camping with kids. But if alone, I keep things tucked in and close by.
      My Other Interest


      • #4
        Big Dog...if you plan your covered wagon right maybe you'd be trail boss soon, if not a close second!

        Silver...that's some wise words!
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

