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Preferred Bug Juice?

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  • Preferred Bug Juice?

    What kind of bug juice do you recommend? Should we have different kinds? Lately it's been damp for blood suckin' critters but the weather will warm; it's pushin' to June! When we went campin' this past weekend for a couple of hours those nasties came out, Friday evening setting up camp! What do you recommend?:confused:

    My two boys(men now) think I'm a tenderfoot. They both live in Minnesota around my ex and they don't use anything(so they tell me)! "Pops, you're a light-weight!" :oSo what do you use?
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Send your boys down south and some of these biting critters will make'em cry if they dont take precautions. We use several different products but the main thing is to find one that has 40% DEET in it. We have found those to be the most effective. Spray a lil on your arms...a lil around your ankles and your good to go. It is even safe for 2 yr olds.

    Camping in the south, we have learned to take precautions. We have a screen room...we use DEET...we even use those Coleman Torches that have the citronella dics that help deter the pests. Once we put up the force fields, we hardly ever have biting bug issues. Well, cept for the time I got into a mess of chiggers but that was pure stupidity on my part and I paid dearly.

    Good luck and happy swating.


    • #3
      WOW! Remindes me of our summer visitors back home, who were incredulous that we could live there in the Pine Barrens year-round. In the swamps where I'm from everybody uses high-conc DEET. Spray around the ankles where crawlers come in, and place your hands over and covering your face with your eyes closed and have your SO spray around your face and head to prevent the fliers. You're good to go!
      “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
      ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


      • #4
        Cream: 3M with Deet. Ladies like Avon Skin So Soft.
        Spay: Expedition


        • #5
          Chiggers: Sublime Sulfer powder in your socks, or shoes. I rub it all over my legs because I am a chigger god. The come and worship at my feet. One time, I had scars that lasted for years. That was because I was riding motorcycles through fields of weeds in July-in MO. After the fact I like ChiggerX. BTW painting your chigger bites with fingernail polish is an uban ledgend.


          • #6
            I like Deep Woods Off, or the new one that isn't greasy. It's an Off product but I don't remember the name.


            • #7
              Thanks everyone...communication is the key here at camping forums. The more everyone responds to a question the better the choices are for the answers to the question. There is more than one way to go camping! Thanks!
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

