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  • please help

    Hi:I'm a Grandmother that takes her Grandchildren camping every year.The last 6 years i have bought a tent every year because I really can't afford to buy anything expensive.
    Can anyone recomend a inexpensive tent that will last me a few years?I would like something large and easy to set up.
    Thank you

  • #2
    Welcome to CF!

    Questions you might have the answer to to help us with your search:

    1. How many grandchildren? Are they all under 9 or ten. Preteens & teens might like sleeping apart, maybe a smaller tent might do? And therefore a smaller tent for you and the others.

    2. What's your bottom line in dollars? It doesn't have to be exact.

    3. Do you have anything in mind? Or are you going in totally blind to tent purchasing?

    4. Check out some options here in this forum from other campers, like the Coleman Instant Tent.

    Gotta kind-of help us before we can really help you!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


    • #3
      Hi and thank you for the reply.
      1.I take 2 Grandchildren ages 12 and 14..and we would all like to be in the same tent.
      2.I thought maybe about 200.00
      3.I'm really thinking about Coleman's instant tent,but i see the reviews on this site are not very good. I found this tent at Sam's club for $150.00

      Thank you any other options I would love to hear them.:p



      • #4
        Hi Barbara!

        I have ordered 2 Eureka Timberline tents from this company:

        They refurbish tents that have been store demos or returns. One of the tents I ordered did have a patch on the floor, but it was a pretty big savings over new tents. The last Timberline 4 I ordered did arrive with a tear in the screen, I e-mailed them and they told me to send it back and they would promptly take care of the problem.

        Check them out, they have a pretty big selection of tents!



        • #5
          A nice inexpensive tent

          We just got a Coleman Laurel Creek 8-person tent at Dick's Sporting Goods, and I'm sure we paid less than $100 for it. It looks pretty nice and should hold up for multiple camping trips (we expect that it will!). The biggest tip we got was to buy better stakes, which you can get for a couple of dollars each. I can let you know next week how it holds up.

          __________________________________________________ ___________
          The LED flashlight - a camper's best friend!


          • #6
            I bought a tent!

            Thank you everyone for all your reply's!
            I bought a tent today..I ended up getting the Coleman instant tent,found the Sams club had the lowest price at 149.and some change.
            I'm hoping this tent will work out,I know it's only 3 of us,but this tent is all screened and i want to use one room for a screen house,and the other for sleeping.
            thanks again everyone.I will let you know how it turns out.I am camping July 17-24.
            Racegrrl i hope your tent holds up fine.


            • #7
              If I were you I would get the Coleman Instant tent. I have not read any bad reviews and on Youtube you can see one going up, they really do go up in less than a minute. That is too easy, and one less thing you have to worry about. I really think if you use a pad to place your tent on, it will last you.


              • #8
                Originally posted by racegrrl7665 View Post
                We just got a Coleman Laurel Creek 8-person tent at Dick's Sporting Goods, and I'm sure we paid less than $100 for it. It looks pretty nice and should hold up for multiple camping trips (we expect that it will!). The biggest tip we got was to buy better stakes, which you can get for a couple of dollars each. I can let you know next week how it holds up.

                __________________________________________________ ___________
                The LED flashlight - a camper's best friend!
                I would suggest you set up the tent and apply seam seal on every seam BEFORE you go camping. A bottle of seam seal runs about 5 bucks and the couple of hours you spend to seal it will be worth your effort. I love Coleman gear and camp with a bunch of it but from my experience with Colemans lower priced tents is they all need the seams sealed.

                Other than that maybe take an extra tarp just in case and you should be good to go.


                • #9
                  sorry i forgot it takes awhile to see your post
                  Last edited by Barbara; 07-02-2010, 05:29 AM. Reason: double post...sorry

