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made it to yellowstone

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  • made it to yellowstone

    We decided to leave for Yellowstone a little early since we were both on vacation. Left Saturday morning at five am from Wisconsin. Took 94 most of the way, that was a long 13 hours! We decided to take 212 into the park from Billings MT. Not the best decision for two am. Had to stop on a pullout and take an hour nap cause a couldn't do any more winding roads after driving for twenty hours.

    Got to the park early this morning. Didn't really know how the first come first serve sites worked so we drove around a bit to try and find out. Ended up figuring it out and have the tent pitched at mammoth camp site. All is good so far, the girls are really enjoying their first time camping and woman is to. Was a little worried about her. Only slept that one hour since Friday but its a beautiful day and so much to see so not tired. Going to go explore a little.

    On the drive in we saw a couple hundred bison and some that decided we didn't need to go anywhere and stood in the road. I didn't mind because it was great being able to see them so close. Saw one rolling over and that was really neat. Also saw a big herd of elk and some deer.

    Didn't have phone signal till we got to mammoth so thought I would give you a little update letting you know where all your help got me.

    Thanks again for all your advice and I will post pics when I get home. If anyone has any questions about Yellowstone let me know in the next couple days and ill try to find the answer. I know I came not knowing much about how camping works out here but learning as I go.


  • #2
    You're in a wonderful area for learning, and I'm sure there are plenty of campers there that can give you pointers and help if needed. Campers tend to be a very helpful bunch of folks!
    Walk around and see how they do things - you'll learn a bunch of neat things! Then you can fill us in!
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


    • #3
      Thought I would keep updating this when I get time for a little journal. If no one else reads it it will be a journal for me. And if someone else enjoys it, great!

      Today we got to mammoth around seven and had to wait for campsite. Around 730 the ranger came over and said someone just checked out. We set up camp and made some breakfest. Woman took a little nap and me and the girls went exploring. I had to do something or I would have fallen asleep and I didn't want to waste the day. So we looked at some hot springs and saw some wildlife. Then we grilled some burgers when woman woke up. Then we went to mammoth hot spring, its a river that has a hot spring flowing into it so its like a hot tube. Was very relaxing. Then walked out into the river some more and it was cold and refreshing. And I layed down and let the current carry me a couple hundred feet. We going to do a little exploring and then start a fire and enjoy a few beverages and make dinner. Then a nice night of well deserved sleep!

      Then tomorrow will get up early and plan the day of hiking and site seeing.


      • #4
        I'm reading it................ Keep us posted!
        So. Oregon
        TRAIL NAME:Billy's Buddy
        TRAIL POUNDER:Backcountry/higher elevations of Trinity, Marble, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountains
        SHARE TRAIL WITH:Billy Bob (llama), Squeaky (Dog), and sometimes with Susan (Partner/wife/friend)


        • #5
          Hey Scott...congrats on your journey and way to "cowboy up" with the sleep deprivation. :eek: I will be in Yellowstone 1 year from today writing a blog so your journal is very interesting to me. Keep the info coming and I will be tuned in.


          • #6
            Ya the drive was a little rough but we made it. Started raining right after we got supper cooked so we hanging out in the tent. The seam seal job held up good to a heavy rain. Should be a quick one.

            Talked to a retired couple across the road that has been traveling and tenting since may. They told us a few places to see here. Saw a grizzly bear and two cubs this afternoon. It was really neat and stopped traffic for about half hour.


            • #7
              Hey Scott...what types of temps are you experiencing, both day and night? Have you been to Hayden Valley yet? Also interested in your opinion of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone? Have fun and stay safe.


              • #8
                You're in Mammoth? Where ya headed next?
                Sgt. Richard V. Gilbert
                USMC Retired


                • #9
                  Yes we are at mammoth campground in Yellowstone. We are going to stay here a couple more nights and start heading home. On the way we are planning on stopping at MT Rushmore and finding a place to camp for one night and then drive home.

                  We haven't made it to Hayden valley or the grand canyon of Yellowstone yet. Today we headed out from mammoth and drove south along the west part of the loop. Ended up at old faithful. We stopped at lots of thermal features and geysers along the way. Not much for wildlife today, just some bison which are pretty common. Tomorrow we are going to head down to Yellowstone lake on the east side of the loop. So will see Hayden valley and lower falls along with other things. We just start driving and stop at the signs and walk around to see everything. Lots of hiking. Should be able to tell about Hayden tomorrow night.

                  The weather is pretty weird here. At night it drops down into the low 40s and is pretty cold in the morning. Then by 8 to 9 it warms up and by ten it is really warm. Its been in the high seventies but feels like 80s. I like the weather cause I like it cool when I'm sleeping.



                  • #10
                    Today we drove down the east side of the loop. Threw tower falls and canyon and Hayden down to Yellowstone lake. This was a very nice drive with lots to see. I'm not real familier with Yellowstone so we just stop at all the signs on the road and walk around. Tower falls was a nice waterfall and hike down to the river. I waded out in the river a little and it was really cold. My favorite sites today was the lower falls and artists point. Lower falls is a 308 foot waterfall into the grand canyon of Yellowstone
                    There is a trail called uncle Tom's trail that takes you to the bottom of the falls. But it is a pretty tough walk back up! Well worth the hike. Artists point gives you a view of the falls and the grand canyon. This is a really nice view.

                    Hayden valley is a nice grasslands along the Yellowstone river
                    I don't have binoculars, just didn't have the money after buying all the other stuff
                    Think one could see a lot more wildlife in Hayden's valley with a good set. We did see lots of bison, these seem to be almost everywhere here. And some elk which are also pretty common here.

                    It is really hot out today. Down by Yellowstone lake we saw a big cloud of smoke. I Google's Yellowstone wildfire and Sunday one started from a lightning strike
                    Its almost 400 acres now and spreading fast with today's winds. They said they have two air tankers and some helicopters and crew of hotshots fighting it now with more help coming in this week. Don't think it will affect our stay at all, they might shut down some roads.

                    Time for aswim in the mammoth hot spring river and then some supper. If anyone has some must see things in Yellowstone please share.



                    • #11
                      keep the updates coming. I love living vicariously through other people's updates.
                      Needs for Facebook Fans. My mom doesn't really count.


                      • #12
                        Today was a cold day. Woke up and had some breakfast. Then headed out for the day and went back to the lower falls and grand canyon again. Think that's my favorite place here. Then headed down towards Yellowstone lake. On our way we saw another bear. The ranger said this one was a black bear. Not sure how they do it but everytime we see an animal the rangers seem to be there right away like Batman. It was really cold by the lake. We went back to old faithful because Monday when we saw it one of the other geysers by it went off the same time so it was short and small. Today it was much higher and lasted longer. Then we headed back to camp. On the way we stopped at a few sites. Found a swim hole at fire hole pass. We didn't have our suits but might go back tomorrow. When we got back to camp we took the short drive to mammoth hot spring, our hot tub to relax. Then came back to the tent and made pizza pudgie pies. Got done just in time for some pretty big storms. The girls are pretty scared since its their first time in tent with wind and storms.

                        The first fire is over 500 acres now and growing. Pretty fast. Saw some of the hot shots that came in to help put it out. I guess there is a live webcam of it from one of the lookout towers. Another one broke out today caused by a human in slough creek area. Its pretty neat how you can Google Yellowstone wildfires and they have a site they keep updated with all the fires of the year and the status of them.

                        I've seen most of the major parts of the park and here is my thoughts for those of you planning on going. First, bring binoculars. I wish I had a pair like was recommended but just didn't have the money after buying everything else and the cost of the trip. My favorite things here are the lower falls and grand canyon. Lots of tough up and down hiking to get to the best veiws but well worth it. Tower falls is also very nice. Norris has some nice hot springs with different colors that are pretty. One of my favorite things to do is to sit in mammoth hot springs. Its just like a hot tub. I'm glad we are so close to it and able to go everyday. The wildlife is amazing. We saw the most between mammoth and tower and also by Hayden valley. Lots of bison, pretty used to seeing them walk down the road. Read in the news today a lady was attacked by one at old faithful on Monday, the same day we were there. Elk are all over, they come right into mammoth and take the city over. Lay in the front of the post office and all over. Bears are less common but amazing to see. We just drive around and come up on people stopped and see them. The first morning we heard wolves but never got to see them.

                        Make sure you bring enough food because groceries are expensive here. Gas isn't to bad here. Firewood is 7.50 a box which lasts for one or two fires. Its soft pine and little prices, not ideal for a good cooking fire. Kind of a rip off but what are you going to do.

                        Well I think that is it for now. Sure I'm missing somethings but to much to write down. I have lots of pics I will try to upload when I get home.

                        We are going to check out tomorrow morning and stay the day. Then leave after supper and head to MT Rushmore. Another night of driving and staying awake! We going to try and get campsite over there for the night and finish the drive home Saturday. If anyone has campsite advice for around Rushmore I would love to hear it.



                        • #13
                          Scott...outstanding thread. I cant tell you how much I appreciate your efforts to keep us informed. I plan on gettin a good field scope and a tripod. I have found a couple that you can attach your camera to for close ups of the wildlife.

                          That does suck about the firewood. A good campfire is a must for me and my family. I may bring some firewood with me when I come and then supplement it with the smaller pieces. I saw on the news this morning about the hikers that were struck by lightening just south of you in the Grand Tetons. All but 1 has been rescued. They had severe storms as well so I would say that was the front moving through your area.

                          Thanks again for your info. Today is my wifes birthday and we were just talking about being at Yellowstone next year for her birthday. Be safe on your return trip and be carefull with that sleep deprivation. :D

                          Oh, one more thing...Mt. Rushmore was not as impressive as I had imagined. It's alot smaller than I pictured but well worth your efforts. Cant help with camping in the area but I feel someone will chime in with some ideas.


                          • #14
                            Three more hours of driving to get to MT Rushmore. The drive threw big horn national forest was pretty rough threw the mountains. Lots of deer to watch out for also. Thinking about just getting a hotel for Friday night instead of setting up camp. Guess we'll see how tired we are.

                            The lightning was pretty crazy last night. A ranger said another fire broke out from it.

                            Spent the day around canyon and Hayden and bridge bay before we headed out. Saw lots of wildlife and another bear today. Saw the most bears in between tower and canyon. Stopped at canyon village today to lookaround the gift shop. They have the nicest general store by far. Also have a sporting goods store.

                            Will write more when I get home. Or Friday night if not to tired!


                            • #15
                              Saw MT Rushmore yesterday. Pretty amazing but it was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I liked the ceramony at night. Very patriotic and reminds everyone what being an American is really about, which is easy to forget in these days.

                              Will be home around nine tonight. We got a hotel last night. Didn't want to take the energy to set up tent after being up for two days and it was nice to get a good nights sleep for the drive today.

                              Ill read threw this when I get home and try to add anything I missed and give more details. Going to try to and share all the little things about Yellowstone camping. I searched for hours before we went but there was a lot of things that you can't learn till you go there.

                              Just wanted to say thanks again for answering my questions and having this forum. Got a lot of info from searching old posts. Thanks to you guys we had a pretty smooth camping trip for four girls who have never slept in a tent. Was worried they would have a bad time and not want to go again. But it was a great success and everyone had a good time and we are already talking about where to go next!

                              Last edited by scott37300; 07-24-2010, 09:55 AM.

