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Recommending a Pop-Up Tent

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  • Recommending a Pop-Up Tent

    I am interested in a 1 or 2 person pop up tent that is not very expensive. I will only use it a couple times a year and maybe less than that, so It does not need to be the best one on the market. Can anyone recommend a good model?

    Thank you very much :D

  • #2
    Depends on what you mean by "camping". Are you going backpacking where your tent descision could be critical to your health? Are the conditions your going to be encountering including extremes in weather? Or are you just going for a simple weekend outing at a campground with relatively easy access to your care in emergencies.
    Regardless of how often you will be using your equipment, it is the ruggedness of your outing that should dictate your expense. If you are simply going on quick weekend trips in fair weather (3 season?) at relatively safe areas, then almost any inexpensive tent will do. Just check the layout and whether it will fit your needs (Just need room for you and a friend? Need room for your equipment too? Will it be a wet environment? Bugs bad? Ceiling high enough? etc). The further remote your trip, the more rugged your tent (and other equipment) will need to be.
    Price should never be your first criterion. Decide what features you need and then price equipment that fits those parameters.


    • #3

      thank you for the excellent advice!

      To answer your questions, I will camping in a safe family style camping ground with easy access to my car.

      I am considering this tent from Quechua:

      but I don't know how to order it in America! :o

      what do you think?


      • #4
        I've had a few tent over the years(40, to be exact), so I can't recommend any particular brand. A good tent can be had for a very reasonable price. A good rule of thumb I would suggest-take # of people sleeping in the tent, and add at least 1 for the size tent(e.g., 3 people=4 person tent), 'cuz you'll have gear to put in there. Also, a good floor is important(I take off my shoes before I get into my tent). I camp by myself, yet last year I bought a 4 person tent that was on sale(1/2 off), and it was a decent tent for the type camping I do. It should go without saying that taking care of the tent will make it last a long time-never store it rolled up wet, learn how to keep it waterproof, etc, etc, etc,...


        • #5
          For what you are using the tent for and how often, it's as good of choice as any. I have written much on this subject and if you spend some time reading through some of the back pages, then most of your questions can be answered.

          So what tent did you's not nice to leave us all hangin around waitin to see what tent you got? What's the skinny?:confused:
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

