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Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

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  • Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

    Hey all,

    I'm planning our first summer camping trip. I plan to do a Friday through Sunday trip locally. If I am successful in making my girlfrield comfort during this camping trip, she agreed to go to Yellow National Park later in the summer for a longer camping trip.

    One of the reasons for the local trip is to see how our dog handles camping. If our dog hates camping, she will stay with my girl's mother for our trip to yellowstone.

    Since, I have never taken a dog camping before, are there any tips? She is a 35 to 40lb dog, 1.5 years year. Boston Terrier/Lab mix.

    Thanks Scott

  • #2
    Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

    Congrats on the upcoming trip. I don't have a dog, but I bet it will be easier to keep the dog comfortable vs the GF if she isn't an outdoorsy kinda person. I would think keeping water out so your dog can drink, but keeping the food in a tupperware container and only putting it out when you eat or when you think the dog is hungry should cut down on critters coming into camp. I am sure you have, but a long leash so you can anchor your dog to a tree might be good too. Other than that, that is all I can think of off hand. Make sure and get some pics and get us a trip report. Have fun.
    Los Cuernos Ranch on Facebook


    • #3
      Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

      As far as the girlfriend is concerned, she loves fishing and trail riding on horseback so, she is a bit outdoorsy. I think making sure the dog is safe and comfortable will go along way to make the GF more relaxed during the trip.


      • #4
        Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

        Whatever the cost, time and trouble gotta put the girlfriend's wishes ahead of yours! As for the puppy please read:

        It is of absolute importance that your dog's vaccinations be up-to-date, as dogs can encounter un-vaccinated animals while camping. Dog licenses should also be current. And ask your vet about the areas where you will be camping/traveling, as some carry additional health risks for dogs and may warrant additional precautions.

        This is a copy from a few pages back, but worth repeating.

        Here are 5(five) easy things to remember when you decide to take your dog camping with you.

        1) Always keep your dog on a leash:

        This sounds so trite and as a dog owner you have heard it time and time again. But, it is one of the most common problems. There are a number of issues associated with letting your dog off-leash in a campground. First, they could get lost while running after a rabbit, deer, or coyote. Second, there might be a bigger, dog-aggressive dog tied up in the next campsite that could eat your dog for lunch. Third, you are giving the rest of us a bad rap and the campground might decide to ban dogs. Enough said, I hope.

        2) Call ahead:

        Even though campground guides may tell you that the campground accepts dogs. Be sure to call ahead, because many of them only accept dogs under 25 pounds or they charge per pet.

        3) Clean up after your dog:

        A friend has found that the bags sold for doggie do do are very expensive in pet stores. Instead, they use simple food storage bags from the grocery store. Not the kind with zipper seals, but the plain old gallon size food storage bags with twist ties. These are slightly larger than the pet store bags at less than half the price. The only drawback is that they are clear instead of colored, but you’ll get used to it!

        4) Make sure your dogs don’t bark too much:

        A lot of dog guides recommend that you stay home if you have a dog that barks too much. This is not fair, every dog should go camping. If you have a dog that barks his head off at the drop of a pin, you probably better spend some time training him. Try to give him treats whenever he stops barking upon command, eventually he will get the picture.

        5) Dog aggressive or people aggressive dogs:

        Again, everything I have read recommends that you keep these kinds of dogs at home. I disagree. Dog aggression and people aggression are often natural behaviors for dogs. The trick is to keep these dogs under ABSOLUTE control at all times. You must be diligent in this one, or someone or some dog could be seriously injured. Here is what I have learned from our friend's dog that is afraid of strangers and weighs 130 pounds.

        a) Get a restraining collar that provides total control of your dog.

        b) Please leash them outdoors at the campsite, always be outside with them.

        c) Don’t take them for hikes on trails, this is asking for trouble.

        d) Find a campground with spacious sites.

        e) If you must take them in crowded situations, use a muzzle (but only use a muzzle sparingly).

        f) Be vigilant at all times.

        Following these five simple rules will allow you and your dogs to enjoy camping, while not creating any complaints from other campers. If you do receive a complaint for any reason, try to be bigger than the complainant - act calmly and address the problem. After all, you are going camping to enjoy life!
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

          My GF's and puppy's safety and comfort are my number 1 concern for this trip. Looks like I will have to get a sleeping pad/air mattress for the GF. I can't stand sleeping on them but, she is afraid of sleeping on hard ground. The GF is really looking to me to put this together as she has no experience with camping.

          Vaccinations - Check

          Dog License - Need to go online and get current

          Flea and Tick Meds - Check

          Keeping Dog on Leash - Check. Question, Ground spike or around a tree to secure the dog at the site?

          Call ahead - Will do once we have our plans a little firmer

          Clean up after dog - Always do (The apartments we live in only started allowing dogs a year and a half ago. People that don't clean up after their dogs make me mad as I don't want to lose the privilege of having a dog.) Sorry about the rant.

          Dog barking - She is pretty good about only barking during play/excitement or someone being loud outside of our front door.

          Person/Dog aggressive - She goes to the dog park almost everyday, never had her start anything with another dog and she loves people. She does have a bad habit of jumping up to get pets or attention though. (Been working on it)

          Thank you,


          • #6
            Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

            Picked up a tent the other day. It's a cheap Ozark Trail 6 person. Got it for 54 dollars. Didn't want to spend too much on equipment in case the girlfriend hates camping. Will definitely upgrade if we decide to camp more.



            • #7
              Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

              Sounds good to start with, so........if gf and puppy don't like campin, I take it your out?...........................................?

              If that happens dump gf and find a new gf that likes camping, heehee....just kidding!

              Wishing you all the best!

              I know you like camping and that's the important. Good luck, keep us informed, I'd hate to be wrong.....she'll probably love you are the more! Campin is cool!
              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


              • #8
                Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

                We bring our dog, Solomon, camping and have no issues with him (pictured in profile pic and below). He's 15 lbs and a bundle of energy. He loves hiking and is like a little mountain goat.

                The state parks where we camp require proof of rabies vaccination. They also insist that the dog be on a leash at all times. We don't have a problem with that, as we keep him on a leash at all times at home.

                We have a 20 ft leash that we put around the leg of the picnic table (if it's nice and heavy) or a tree. We bring a huge ground spike just in case there's nothing convenient nearby to tie him to.

                We do not like to be disturbed by yakking dogs and imagine that our camp neighbors don't care for that either. Therefore, we always keep an electronic bark collar on Solomon while camping -- if he barks, he gets shocked, simple. This never happens as Solomon knows exactly what the collar is when it's put on him.

                We keep out water for him constantly and only put out his food when we eat.

                We have a great time with him and he really enjoys all the smells and creatures he encounters camping.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	40400_1461594472917_1625123134_1109090_6442117_n.jpg
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                As you can see in the above picture, we attached the 20 leash to the picnic table. This allowed Solomon to reach the whole of our campsite -- campfire, screen house, and tent. He also is wearing his electronic bark collar. :D
                "Why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and it's not inflationary if the government takes it and spends it the way it wants to?"
                ~ Ronald Reagan, June 11, 1981


                • #9
                  Re: Taking the puppy and girlfriend for their first camping trip.

                  So, last night we took the tent out for a test run at my GF's mother. It took about 30 minutes to setup the tent. We did a backyard camping trip. The GF loved sleeping in the tent. Since it wasn't a planned sleepover, I was in shorts and t-shirt, I was a little chilly during the night. The GF stated that was the deepest sleep she has ever seen me have.

                  The puppy had no issues sleeping in the tent and was exetremely excited.

                  Thank you,

