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Solar Power While Tent Camping?

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  • Solar Power While Tent Camping?

    In the recent past we had no need of electricity while camping. When we had cell phones and took them camping we like everyone else charged them on car-chargers that plugged into the cigarette lighter socket. Never took a lap-top camping because there wasn't a need for this moderator to be on-line when CF wasn't busy. But now things have changed. December 2010 was our last 10 day campin trip and during that time there were two new campateers waiting for approval during their moderation period. I never answered them until I returned. I approved them as soon as I could but nevertheless I haven't ever seen them return. I let them down, I left myself down also. So I purchased a lap-top and haven't had a problem since. Another concern I have is that I'm now carrying three digital cameras to the boonies, I know I can only use them one at a time, but lately I haven't figured out a way to charge them all at once so they are ready at a moments notice. I know nothing about solar power. :confused:If you use solar power what has worked for you? What would you suggest? How much of an investment should one expect?
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

    Originally posted by renodesertfox View Post
    December 2010 was our last 10 day campin trip and during that time there were two new campateers waiting for approval during their moderation period. I never answered them until I returned. I approved them as soon as I could but nevertheless I haven't ever seen them return. I let them down, I left myself down also. So I purchased a lap-top and haven't had a problem since.
    It's too bad you can't have some sort of pop-up or message screen that informs folks that you will approve their first posts on such-and-such a date when you're back from camping. I think it's a shame that you have to bring a computer camping with you. :(

    When we first started camping it was due to financial reasons -- it was the only vacation we could afford.

    We still cannot afford anything more, however, I wouldn't change that at all. Camping offers us something that we do not get going anywhere else, and that is freedom from being connected to all the electronics that tether us in daily life. We are able to slow down and feel kinda like we're in Mayberry for awhile.

    For us, camping without electricity recharges the soul. :D
    "Why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money and spend it the way they want to and it's not inflationary if the government takes it and spends it the way it wants to?"
    ~ Ronald Reagan, June 11, 1981


    • #3
      Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

      Fox, ya need a genny......

      I have seen some small packable solar units, with flexible cell panels that fold or roll up, but them thangs are spendy!! Seems from $350 to as much as a grand - too rich for my wallet.
      I do finally have a carryable deep cycle 12V battery and some 12VDC adapters for various gadgets. Camping by car (or van) allows me to carry stuff I never used to consider! :cool:
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #4
        Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

        I can't offer an answer yet, but I did recently get a solar-powered charger for my work-issued blackberry. I haven't had the opportunity to try it yet.
        Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


        • #5
          Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

          Dawg I's a "genny" hater, ye knows that! Seems kinda spendy like ye say been lookin at a small portable for firin-up the 'puter and chargin cam batts that's all! I ain't bringin a TV! Guess I could watch re-runs of Captain Kangaroo on the 'puter, if I a mind too! Haha!

          Do ya want change back fer yer $0.02? I'll send ya a nickel! hehe!

          Sounds like you might be coastin into car campin fer good your self? Kinda hard to camp stealth-like in a covered wagon. hoho!
          Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
          Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


          • #6
            Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

            I go camping to get away from the Cell Phone, Computer and all other types of comunication with the outside world. If there's a major emergency, my boss (U.S. Navy) and my parents will have the ranger station phone number...other then that, we don't take calls.

            Try it some's great!
            2012 - Nights spent in the back country: 12


            • #7
              Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

              Personally, if I were you, I'd put an announcement up if you are going to be out of touch for a few days. No reason being moderator needs to interfere with your getting away from everything (including the forum).

              If you are car camping, I would just bring a inverter to plug your crap into to recharge it.
              If you are backpacking, I would never consider bringing a laptop. Maybe a e-reader if it had tons of survival and nature books loaded in it. Digital cameras though would be awesome to be able to recharge in the boonies. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any options that are rugged, cheap, and light. You might find something rugged and cheap, but it will weigh a ton, or something that is cheap and light and fragile, etc. I think it would be easier to just bring extra batteries than to bring a solar panel. I will look into it later when I have time though because I am curious myself now.
              Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track


              • #8
                Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                I did a little poking around and found a review of one.

                The model they review, the GOAL ZERO NOMAD 7 SOLAR CHARGER, sells from about $70-100 from what I have seen.

                5-7 Watts is from .42 to .58 amps at a 12V load.. Not enough to charge a car battery or deep cycle battery, but should be enough to handle cell phone, camera, and other small batteries.

                Most laptop computers use about 15-60 watts (1.25A to 5A at 12V) which you would need a pretty big solar panel to kick that out, and not something I would try packing around in the woods. That's the kind of thing you put on an RV for extended stays in areas without AC power. One of those big suckers is going to set you back several hundred dollars and weigh a lot, plus you would have to pack it around in an armored case. It would be cheaper and probably lighter to bring a marine deep cycle battery along with you, and you know how heavy those are.

                I think I'm going to stick a fork in this one.
                Nights spent outdoors this year: I lost track


                • #9
                  Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                  Probably the easiest and cheapest way to solve your dilemma would be to have more than one mod, or have an assistant mod for while you are away. I don't know of any job that doesn't give vacation time. I know the current site that I am a mod on has almost 20 mods. When someone is going away they just post a note in the mods meeting room that they are gonna be gone for a few and have everyone one else look after their forums.

                  But, since post was from July, maybe you have resolved the issue by now. I hope so since you have your big move coming up.


                  • #10
                    Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                    I like your idea, shawn.
                    Nights spent outside in 2012: 4

                    Life is a verb.


                    • #11
                      Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                      So far my research concludes that what I want for solar is big, space hogging, and is abour $500...not gonna' work for us with the current technology.
                      “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
                      ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


                      • #12
                        Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                        Hi. I'm new on this forum and just saw this thread. My partner and I have car- camped 17 of the past 24 months. We are not so much camping as living in a tent, traveling from place to place, primarily in the desert southwest and E. Sierra. We both work 3-5 days a week via internet and use a portable satellite system to stay connected. I put off buying a solar set up for two years, using "shore power" when available and charging deep cycle batteries from my car engine (a lot better way than you might imagine--way quieter than most gen sets, no equipment outlay, less fuel-intensive than you'd guess). However, after quite a lot of research I finally made the plunge and purchased a 200 watt "suitcase" panel of the monocrystaline pvc type. Folded, it is approx 44" X 20" by 3" and weighs about 30 pounds. We use two lap tops for 4-10 hours a day. With the satellite modem and a wi-fi router we are drawing approximately 14 amps continuously, so the 200 watt panel is not overkill by any means. Other systems which I considered and rejected were thin film solar "blankets," and semi-flexible mono-crystalline panels. The former is the least efficient and most expensive per watt; comparable wattage would have cost $2K-$3K I think. Semi-flexible solar panels have been used by boaters for some time as they can be fixed to most any surface. They are only a few mm thick and, without a frame are much lighter than the standard monocrystaline panels. They might be a good choice for some applications but their life expectancy is far less, are slightly less efficient and in the end more expensive than what I settled on.

                        We'll be using this system beginning early April. Will post back when we have some experience with it. I expect that there are few folks on this forum who spend as much time tent camping / living as we do and fewer still who have the electrical needs we do, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone doing a similar gig.


                        • #13
                          Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                          I have posted this elsewhere in the battery section. The panel is a 26watt flexible, and it can fill up the battery/inverter shown depending on the sun. Works surprisingly well, and quiet.
                          Click image for larger version

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                          • #14
                            Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                            I'm also fairly new here (have been lurking for a while though) and have decided to build my own simple camping solar panel system while learning how it all works. It's a small setup with a 20 AH battery and two 20 watt panels, you con follow the progress here:

                            Solar panels for camping

                            For the mods, if I'm not allowed to post a link please remove it for me.


                            • #15
                              Re: Solar Power While Tent Camping?

                              Welcome mvdarend, I am allowing your blog to be posted for these reasons: you aren't selling anything and you are presenting this professionally. It is hoped that you become an active participate and share your camping experiences with us!
                              Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                              Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

