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Camping with Kids and Penguins!

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  • Camping with Kids and Penguins!

    Last weekend I took my 7 year old daughter for a Penguin Pajama Party, a sleepover at Motes Aquarium in Sarasota. I added a night camping in Oscar Sherer State Park, and invited my cousin(who lives in Sarasota) along, who brought his 4 year old daughter for her first camping experience. I chose a spot right in front of the playground, so the two kids had lots of fun and made friends.

    This kids had a great time, although my cousin drove me nuts. He was unprepared food wise, had no idea what he was going to do for dinner, which I admit, I kind of took charge on. Breakfast he made pancakes, so that was fine, but we went on a hike around lunch time, so I packed stuff I had bought the day before, mainly bread, cheese, salami, hummus and some fruit. His idea of lunch for him and child was either an MRE or fast food. Hello, your kid is 4, a somewhat picky eater, we leave on the hike at 11 and what were you thinking? Only thing he packed was hot chocolate and water. And I pretty much bought all the food. He's into camping(gear really!) and went on a survival course, but I think the basic necessity of food is eluding him. Also on the hike we were supposed to be on one trail, and I finally realize we are actually on another trail(the two overlap in part) so I say that. He didn't bother checking the trail map, so assumed I knew where we were going. He wanted to backtrack, I wanted to continue, it's a short loop, only about 1.5 miles. By my estimate we're about a little less than half ways around the loop. So we part ways, I have two 7 year olds and we make it back before he gets back. And we saw a gopher tortoise, although the tortoise high tailed it out of there when he saw 2 little kids coming.

    We had planned another camping trip a couple of years ago that was supposed to be a primitive camping trip with a 2.5 mile trail to the camp site. I was going to bicycle my daughter and gear in, but he didn't have a bike, and would have had to either hike, or wait for the trailer. So he gets to the park before me and ends up renting a camping spot in the regular camping area. I was so disappointed. I still invite him just because my husband likes camping even less. He was talking about doing the Appalachian, but his talk has changed to bringing air conditioners and electric lights. Maybe it's just the kids, although I've been taking my daughter camping since she was 2. And he hasn't gone camping over the summer like I did this summer. It was crazy hot, and I did bring a fan.
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  • #2
    Re: Camping with Kids and Penguins!

    Sounds like one big comedy capers adventure. I hope the kids had fun at least. Perhaps on the next trip you should "compare" camping checklists and make some suggestions on what food to bring.
    May you always have love to share,
    Health to spare
    And friends that care.


    • #3
      Re: Camping with Kids and Penguins!

      Hopefully it was an eye opener for him on how to prepare for camping with kids. Camping with young kids presents a whole different set of challenges than camping with teens and older kids. The biggest things are food and boredom. You are right with kids being picky eaters, so you have to make things you will know they like, cause you just can't open the kitchen cabinet or run to the store. Good for you picking a campground with a playground, even better the spot was right next to it.
      Being a dad that takes a 4 year old camping, he might of been overwhelmed. I know I had to do a bunch of planning so my daughter wouldn't be bored or go hungry. You may have to take the lead and "train" him how to camp with a young girl. If he doesn't catch on, just take his daughter and leave him at his house.


      • #4
        Re: Camping with Kids and Penguins!

        What I've learned over the years is to sit down with your camping partners and plan everything on paper and with young children's activities it is wise to overplan so you do not run out of things to keep them busy.


        • #5
          Re: Camping with Kids and Penguins!

          All I can say is....
          Nights spent outside in 2012: 4

          Life is a verb.

