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Family Tent Recommendations Amended:

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  • Family Tent Recommendations Amended:

    Howdy Every Tent Camper,

    A few weeks ago there was a discussion on choosing a tent, and maybe I didn't quite touch all the bases. In the next three series of threads I will try to give everyone a better understanding of the thinking behind the decision of choosing a tent.

    Family camping tents come in all shapes and sizes. The right one for you will not necessarily be the right one for someone else. DO NOT LET PHOTOS FOOL YOU! See the tent in person if at all possible.

    Tent size.

    Determine how many people & how much gear you'll be traveling with. Tents are advertised as 2 man, 3 man, six man and so on. At best this is the maximum number of persons you can cram into a telephone booth, err, I mean a tent for sleeping in close company with no personal gear. This rating method might make sense for backpackers who are traveling light, but it is horrible for car & jeep campers. Divide the advertised rating by two, and then you will have the real capacity, or perhaps two adults and two very small children.

    Plan for a minimum of 30 square feet of floor space per person. Make this even higher for longer camping trips, unless reducing weight is important. Consider actual length and width. If you are 6' tall, you will need a space of at least 7' in order to stretch out and not be cramped against the tent sides. You will need a space of at least 2 & 1/2' in width just for sleeping. This equals only 17.5 square feet. A 2 man tent might be advertised which measures 5x7'. A 10x10' tent is ideal for two adults. You will have enough space for cots or a double air mattress, plus space to stand up when changing clothes. Kids can fit comfortably in smaller tents. Once they are old enough, about 7 or 8 and they will want to sleep in a separate tent anyway. Parents will appreciate the privacy provided by this arrangement too. A 5x7' tent is perfect for them. Teenagers should be considered as adults when fitting a tent.

    Add space for clothing and a space to stand up without walking on your tentmate, this will result in a tent with a more livable situation.

    Be cautious about tents that are larger than 10x10'. You will find three problems. First, it will be much more difficult to find a smooth and level spot large enough to set up the tent. You need a spot that is as level as you can find. Try sleeping on a slope. It ain't easy and you roll or scoot. Second, big tents are heavy. This is not a problem for your ride(car or jeep). This a problem for your back and how much work it will be for loading and unpacking. Finally, do you really want everyone to dress and sleep in the same tent. Privacy becomes an issue with the bigger tents.

    Think about peak inside height. For most trips, try to have a tent that is tall enough for you to stand. 6 or 7' peak height is necessary for adults, and a 4' peak height is good for young children in their own tent. Remember, the tent slopes downward at a sharp angle, so the actual spot where you can stand up will be small. Larger spaces will be provided in tents with taller peaks.

    In the second post soon we will come to understand a tent's shape, and construction. And in the third post well consider potential weather conditions and financial cost for your peace of mind. Choosing and buying a tent, a good tent, one that fits what you need is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not your camping experience will be a success or failure.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    You are right! Tent's ratings are always off. My 'three-man' dome tent can comfortably sleep two.
    It is 7 feet between the flat sides, being a hexagon floor plan. A twin-size air matress fits perfectly, allowing enough space on each side for gear stowage. Max height at 4' is a bit low.
    It's okay for me alone - rather spacious that way. But if I ever need a 'family tent', I'll definitely be going bigger!
    Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:

