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where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

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  • where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

    this is the plan...want to tent camp in TN and look around that area
    for a possible place to live...IF we don't find anything right away we've
    thought about just continuing to camp until we find a permanent home,
    but wonder what the best location would be once the weather starts
    getting colder...Is it too cold in winter to camp in a canvas tent in
    far northeast TN...where should we go from there if it is...:confused:
    Inquiring minds need to know...share your thoughts please...

    Hopeing to begin this adventure by August this year, if not possible because of
    finances, then definately no later than March of 2013, that is, if the world as we
    know it doesn't come to an end DEC. 21, 2012...according to the MAYANS:eek:
    then I guess it wouldn't matter...

  • #2
    Re: where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

    It is as likely to be 60 degrees as it is 16 degrees. Just watch the weather and if no blue norther is on the horizon go camping. Our winters are nothing compared to Indiana and the futher south you are, the milder the weather. Now mind you, January at Palo Duro canyon is probably not a good idea, but January down in the hill country could be lovely. Like others have stated we have been in shorts in January, but also have thrown another log on the fire! Welcome to TEXAS, we know you got here as soon as you could!
    DO NOT be found in a camping tents while being out. Just walk,run,fly in the hug of nature.:D


    • #3
      Re: where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

      STEPS, thanks for the welcome...I've lived in TEXAS for almost 35 years but its time for me to find
      greener pastures so to speak...hence the move to Tennessee

      Fell in LOVE with TENNESSEE in the 1980's and have wanted to live there ever since...
      I think it's time, hopefully it will happen within the year...If I can't find something right away, then I have decided
      to pitch a tent, and keep looking til I do...done some camping in Texas but not in winter, not sure I want to go
      any further south than where I am now...think I'll head to AZ/New Mexico and points west when the temps. start to drop
      back east...


      • #4
        Re: where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

        HOGSNAPPER: really appreciate the info...was hopeing TN wouldn't be too cold come winter...
        from my research online not finding a lot of campgrounds that stay open year-round so I figured
        I'd have to do dispersed...never done that before so I'm reading everything I can on how to do
        it properly. doesn't sound like it's too difficult to do, will just take some adjustment from
        living the domesticated/soft life...luckily my housemate has lived this way for a while before we met
        and he is willing to go back to that kind of living...we both NEED to get away from civilization
        and city-living...


        • #5
          Re: where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

          set up camp on the leaward side of a hill this helps to keep the wind off of you. pack a fleece hoodie and shuck it off if you get warm and put it on if you get colder. warm sleeping bag 3 season if you cant get a bag for super cold weather. sleep in your undies or less I know this sounds odd for cold weather but if you wear clothes you will sweat and the damp clothes will get cold and you will get cold also. pack easy to eat high carb foods your body will get warmer just by digesting this stuff. alot of people will give you advice but this is it for me. gotta go now bye bye


          • #6
            Re: where to camp when weather gets cooler/cold

            AWTTED; don't think I'll have a problem with staying at the stage in life where power surges are
            a daily occurence...if anything I may have the opposite problem,haha
            'preciate your thoughts and suggestions...this adventure is going to definately be a learning experience.
            I already know my wardrobe will change dramatically...back to the basics...thanks

