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Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

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  • Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

    Well, I (we, my girlfriend and I) decided to finally make the plunge and go camping. We had been discussing it a while since she used to love the outdoorsy stuff when she was younger (she did this thing called "Outward Bounds", not sure what that is but it sounded kind of like group wilderness camping), and I was a scout so this brings up a lot of old (and good!) memories.

    Anyways, just thought I'd drop in here since I registered a few months ago when I first started thinking about camping again. I dropped into Walmart yesterday after some planning and dropped about $350 on gear. Hoping I have the essentials covered. We're leaving tonight as soon as I am able to get off of work, and hope to make it to the campgrounds and pitch camp no later than 8pm while there's still sunlight. I hope nobody minds but I am going to list the things I bought here and you guys can maybe help me find a couple more things I might need for future endeavors? We may make another trip by the store tonight or in the morning to get extras. Also for anyone who bothers reading all of this, should I invest in a firearm? Thinking of getting a glock 9mm for personal protection. Open carry of course, don't have the time/money to get the conceal/carry right now. I am a fire-arm newbie and not sure if I want to go this route or not but I have been considering getting a shotgun for home protection for a long time and my brother thinks handguns are better for easy access.

    So here's what we already had which saved us some money:

    Sleeping bags x2
    - Inflatable air matress x2 (1 queen, 1 twin... hopefully the queen is enough)
    - Tent (old and nasty, ditched it in favor or a new model!)
    - Cooler (old Coleman tailgating cooler, pretty good quality, has held up well!)
    - Food (she's in charge of planning, I'm doing the grilling!)
    - Folding table (I think she has one, may check Walmart if not)
    - Grill: Just a little portable charcoal grill, should be a nice fallback if the campfire is an epic fail.
    - extra clothes and lots of socks (read that you can never have enough socks when camping!)
    - some heavy duty plastic stakes from her old tent, the ones that came with the Coleman I just bought are super flimsy. I bent two pretty bad when hammering them in while testing the tent setup in our back yard.

    And here's what I picked up yesterday, had to put it on the charge card but hoping it will pay for itself over time!:

    Tent: Coleman 9' x 7' Dome Tent (the $68 one). Was super easy to put up, so shouldnt be an issue. Also got a tarp for a ground cloth or extra rainfly if it rains (50% chance.. but I will not be deterred!)
    -Swiss Army Tinker knife, just like I had in the Scouts as a kid. These things are awesome! Going to find and whittle us some good walking sticks for hiking.
    -Eating utensil multi-tools: It's a spoon/fork/knife/bottle+can opener all-in-one. Bought two of these, one for each of us.
    - LED Flashlight: It's one of those 90 lumine LED flashlights, runs off of 3 triple A's and gets 10+ hours of light. For night-time potty breaks, etc.

    Random odds&ends:
    - Coleman CPX rechargable batteries x2: for the fan/light/lantern.
    - Coleman CPX lighted tent fan + light: like a lantern and ceiling fan all-in-one when hung! Supposed to be in the 80's and a good chance of rain so we may be holed up in the tent a bit, want her to be comfortable as possible. Personally I could care less this is more of a comfort item for my girl.
    - Coleman CPX LED lantern: extra light for nighttime.
    - 4x D-cell batteries: backups for the fan/lantern.
    - Rain poncho's x2: in case we get a torrential downpour!
    - Campers first aid kit: also has a snake bite kit. I also added water purification tablets, soap strips, and a few other "conveniences" to it.
    - Bio-degradable wet naps.
    - 5 gallon collapsable water tank
    - Two water bottles
    - ETC (other things I have picked up that aren't jumping to my mind right now. Am bored at work typing this up because I am super excited to be going camping tonight!).

    So that's about it. Anyways I've been RV camping a couple times with my brother and his family in recent years but this is my first experience getting back to true tent camping since I was a young teen (currently 31 years old, work in IT, little overweight and out of shape, hoping this will reinvigorate me and help motivate to get active again!).

    We're going to Julian Price Park Campground in the Blue Ridge Parkway National Park in NC. Gorgeous campground from what I've seen, and we both love the mountains very much. I hope to do some hiking while there and we hope to (on later trips) get into kayaking as well. Leaving tonight and hope to get home Monday evening in time to wind down and switch back into real life mode before work starts up Tues. morning. So anyways, just thought I'd share! I've lurked these forums a while and then forgot while real life/work took over, but now I'm back and ready to get to it!

    Any comments/thoughts on gear/etc is welcome, remember we're (sort of) camping newbies and any advice is DEFINATELY welcome! THANKS!! GOD BLESS!

    ~Chris in NC~

  • #2
    Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

    I too camped recently after a long hiatus, and it was wonderful. I hope you find the same.

    I'll leave others the job of advising about gear. I had a few Rubbermaid totes that I'd stored essentials in over the years. I didn't see cookware on your list, but you can bring some pots and pans from home. If you're cooking over a fire, coat the outsides with a light layer of dish soap so they'll be easier to clean. Keep a pen and paper handy, so that when you realize you forgot something you'd wished you'd packed, you can write it down for next time. If you're bringing wine, remember a corkscrew!

    I throw in my kit some food items that will store well and provide some extra protein and instant oatmeal, kippered herring, tuna packs.....and you can get some little packets of condiments from fast food restaurants to enhance flavor, instead of taking big containers of everything.....mayo, mustard, relish, salt & pepper, etc.

    A mish mash of suggestions, I admit, but I wanted to respond and wish you well!


    • #3
      Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

      On the firearm... I am a CHL and would highly recommend taking at least a basic firearm class as you stated you are new to them. I know of one friend who bought his first 9mm without proper knowledge and shot his first round through the living room wall by not understanding how a semi-auto operated. But if you are planning on having one for personal protection, (even if you don't plan to carry) you should still take the class. The class will help you understand the extremely complicated laws for your state concerning use of deadly force. My main idea on carrying is constant education... laws change all the time.

      For the tent stakes, I found some that are like huge nails at the local sporting goods store. Here in West Texas, our ground is so hard you couldn't use those plastic tent stakes much less the flimsy ones that come with the tent. Other than that, I agree with Joyous56 about take the pencil and paper for notes on the next trip.

      Hope your trip went well and didn't hit any rain.
      "It's better to have that and not need it than it is to need it and not have it" - Captain Woodrow F. Call

      Nights spent out in 2014: 1


      • #4
        Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

        A Glock is a nice starting point, but think survival/protection and build youself an AR15. My M4Gery is quite compact with it's 16" barrell and folding TeleStock. Hunting, protection, defense, etc. Again, the Glock or Baretta is a nice easycarry camping tool, I like my Walther P4 myself, but it's 6 of 1, a half-dozen of the other. I agree wholeheartedly with WestTexan, get educated and informed and join us at the range!!!
        “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
        ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


        • #5
          Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

          The issue Hogsnapper is raising about the 9mm is correct, but using Corbin defense rounds not only provides more than adequate stopping power, but includes penetration (think through a car door) due to velocity that the larger slower rounds won't provide. You lose stopping power with smaller rounds, but you gain penetration velocity and for some shooters, better accuracy due to less recoil. Each approach has an advantage, and a disadvantage. His camping equipment advice is spot-on and will save you grief and money in the long run! I agree that the collapsible water container won't last more than a trip or two (if that long). We have two each of the Reliance tall/skinny type and square Aquatainer. There are 2 types of common water containers, the 6 gallon tall skinny one (Reliance or Sceptor) and the 5 or 7 gallon square one, Reliance Aquatainer. The advantage of the cheaper (about $10) Reliance tall skinny one is it fits nicely behind car seats. The drawback is you cannot use it for long-term water storage at home as it will slowly misshapen due to its thin construction. The more expensive Aquatainer is thick and won't do that, although it's square shape isn't as convenient for some storage situations.
          Last edited by tplife; 09-05-2012, 02:00 PM.
          “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
          ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


          • #6
            Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

            Good advice guys, thanks for the input. I am sending this from my phone right now and can't type well but wanted to say thanks. My brother and I are both going to take a firearms class soon, ill do that before i even consider buying anything. As far as gear goes, I'm currently tapped out but will keep in mind the suggestion about the water container. For now at least i can start putting together a portable toolbox for camping... I have most of the stuff you listed already.

            Oh yea in case anyone is wondering, the trip went great. Rained alot but at least it cleared out the families with kids! Hoping to plan another trip soon.. maybe this one without the gf so I can do some extra lengthy hiking and fishing


            • #7
              Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

              I bought a 5 gallon poland spring water thingy a few years back (okay, probably Y2K or 9/11) thats still intact. I'm thinking I could bring it camping an reuse it, as it seems pretty sturdy. Maybe that's a good option for a water container? Any comments.

              Sorry if I'm derailing this thread. I would love to hear more about your camping trip Amleigh! Do you plan to go again?

              If so, there may be things you wish to keep packed in the totes that are just for camping, and other things you'll want to add for each trip....things that you use every day, don't want to store, but will throw in at the last minute......that's where a list comes in handy. Store the camping things, and list the things you'll want to throw in each time you camp.

              I'll be looking for your story....hint, hint.


              • #8
                Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                If you're planning on camping in bear country.........First of all it depends what kind of bear. A 357 Mag would be the minimum for a black bear. a 44 Mag would be the best for a Grizzly or a brown bear. Do not shoot hollow point bullets with either because of the lack of penetration. The best would be to use a hard cast bullet. Normally you would want to use a revolver and not a semi-automatic because they are not powerful enough.

                A good sized rifle or shotgun with slugs would also be sufficient. A .22 long rifle would be dangerous because you would make it mad but most likely not kill it. You would have to be careful unless you are an expert marksman. They would have to be shot in just the right spot and their skull is very thick. When a bear charges most people are not calm enough to shoot accurately enough with a handgun to use a .22.

                Look at the ballistic information on any handgun and then look at rifle ballistics. If you just want to shoot a bear, carry a rifle. If you're going fishing and are afraid of bears in the neighborhood, carry a shotgun. If you have to carry a pistol while fishing, spend some time reading the literature on the subject. Many people have successfully hunted bear with pistols. But if you intend to hunt bear, and are not an experienced pistol shot, carry a rifle. I personally prefer some distance between me and the bear. I can cover that distance with more accuracy with a rifle.

                Bear spray is also very affective for most encounters. Bluff charges are common for a bear and bear spray isn't effective at long range. Take a firearms class and practice shooting lots before you decide to use lethal force to stop a bear, if you camp in bear country.
                Last edited by renodesertfox; 09-05-2012, 11:51 PM.
                Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                • #9
                  Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                  Did you guys make your trip? How was it? Will you go agian?
                  Nights camped in 2019: 24
                  Nights camped in 2018: 24


                  • #10
                    Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                    On the firearm isssue... Check the laws out REAL good! granted im from very gun unfriendly NY.. but make sure you CAN open carry where you go. As for the 9mm.... Well I might be a little old school... OK a lot!... but I think a nice 38spec [or a 357Mag, they can also fire 38spec..] is a GREAT starter piece!! they are easy to shoot, always go bang, tons of great rounds out for 38, [and 357].. Just a nice simple, easy to clean, and easy to shoot piece. Great for the pistol newbe. Also you can pick up a nice old S&W model 10 38spec for under 300 bucks, and they are as relyable as a stone!!! Used in law inforsement for what... ever.


                    • #11
                      Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                      To "05Kingquad700", the trip went great and I am definately planning to go again (maybe this week!). Like I mentioned previously it rained about half the time but my tent held up great except for minor leaks along the zipper seams on the front where the "door" is, going to probably have to waterproof those seams once i learn how. Supplies wise I can tell I am going to "learn as I go" and keep adding to what I take each time, but I'm going out wednesday after work to pick up a few more things including colored totes that stack comfortably in my trunk.

                      As far as firearms go, I don't usually camp in bear country but I think there's some black bears in the blue ridge parkway where I went last time. I asked the park ranger and he said that most of the time there's no need to worry about protection where we camped, but to keep food sealed to keep out all kinds of critters. I still want something for personal protection so might end up taking a class real soon and then decide what I want to carry after I can have practice shooting different types. Honestly a 357 sounds awesome, but like I said I am a gun newbie and need to experience firing these weapons before I can decide what feels "right" to me. Still I got to shoot the Remington 870 at a friends house the other day and was afraid that it might kick hard but it wasn't bad at all. The gun was weighty but not heavy and felt solid in my hands. He has the short barrel "tactical" version, and I really felt comfortable shooting buckshot. Just enough recoil to remind me I was carrying a deadly weapon! I keep hearing a 12 gauge is reliable bear (and human) protection for any scenario that wouldn't require quick access to a hand gun so I think that might be my first gun purchase once I get some training!

                      Thanks for weighing in guys, if I can get some good sunshine this week I'm going to try camping again. My girlfriend leaves to go out of town Friday morning and I'm supposed to take her to the airport so not sure how I'm going to manage it but I think it's in my blood now (camping that is...). Soon it's backpacking!


                      • #12
                        Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                        Just remember that the sweet thing about a 357 mag revalver is that you can shoot anything from light target load 38 spec that have a little more kick then a 22, all the way up to full house blow apart whatever you hit 357 mag loads!!! A huge range of loads to do what's needed. I love my S&W model 19!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                          Well, you picked a good time to start stocking up on camping supplies. This is the time of year when things go on clearance, and you can get a good deal on them. Check out youtube for video's on seam sealing. I am sure there are plenty on there. Just use key words seam seal tent or waterproofing tent and it should get you some results.

                          As far as the firearm, it sounds like you are wanting a general purpose gun. I would go with a 879 for starters. It is the "true" gun that tamed the west. There are multiple rounds that you can shoot through it. Anything from bird shot to buck shot to bean bags. Plus the sound effect of an 870 chambering a round in a dark room or area is unmistakable. If you were to fire a dispersing type round (ie bird shot) the 870 is a little more forgiving than one bullet. Say you were to shot a snake with a bullet, you would have one chance to hit it, with bird shot, you would have several more chances. You wouldn't want to shoot a bear with bird shot, but it would be a good warning round. You could load a shotgun with the following,
                          1)bird shot
                          2) bear bean bag
                          3) 00 Buckshot or slug.
                          All dependent on being able to get shots off quickly and accurately. The only drawback is that you would still have to get a pistol for open carry. But a shotgun would be my first purchase.
                          If you must have a pistol, check out the Taurus Judge or S&W Governor(sp???) They can chamber 410 shotgun shells, or 45 Long Colt's. I would assume there are as many different rounds for 410 shotguns as there are for 12 gauges. The Judge was specifically designed as a multipurpose weapon. Look at you tube for videos on this gun as well.

                          Nights camped in 2019: 24
                          Nights camped in 2018: 24


                          • #14
                            Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                            Glad to hear ya'll had a good time. Check youtube for videos on waterproofing tents. I use youtube for just about everything I am trying to figure out. Reading about navigating with compass and map right now and checking videos to see more than just what the books are telling me.

                            Hope your next trip goes as well with less rain...
                            "It's better to have that and not need it than it is to need it and not have it" - Captain Woodrow F. Call

                            Nights spent out in 2014: 1


                            • #15
                              Re: Going tent camping over labor day weekend, first time in 15+ years!

                              Yea I love shotguns after shooting my buddies 870. Definately going to be my first purchase at the very least for home safety. Like you said, chambering a round has that tell-tale sound that "should" thwart any intruder who doesn't fancy eating some buckshot to the torso!

                              I'm just about to hit up youtube for some tent waterproofing tips. I've put up and taken down my tent (Coleman 4-man tent, walmart issue lol) 6 times now so I'm pretty comfortable at this point, except every time I bend those fiberglass rods to form the frame I feel like I'm about to snap them in two. You guys know of any good replacement poles that might be a little heavier/sturdier, but still with the shock cords included?

                              ALso, I was looking at some other threads and heard about "dispersed camping" so I looked it up and found this,
                              "!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72 BTSw8jAwgAykeaxcN4jhYG_h4eYX5hPgYwefy6w0H24dcPNgEH cDTQ9_PIz03VL8iNMMgycVQEAIzTHkw!/dl3/d3/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnZ3LzZfMjAwMDAwMDBBODBPSEhWTjJNMD AwMDAwMDA!/?navtype=&cid=stelprdb5291492&navid=11013000000000 0&pnavid=110000000000000&ss=110601&position=Not%20 Yet%20Determined.Html&ttype=detail&pname=Deschutes "

                              It's a website by the government that tells all about dispersed camping on US national parks. I wasn't even sure this was allowed and sounds MUCH more satisfying than paying $16 a night to stay in another crowded campground. Have you guys done much dispersed camping and if so, have any good tips/pointers so my first outing can go smoothly? Thanks, I love these forums!

