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Tent Tie-down Operation

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  • Tent Tie-down Operation

    On my Magellan tent, there are these plastic (rectangular-shaped) pieces on the tie-down cords. They have 3 holes. I know that the cord runs first thru the top hole, but I'm not sure what is done with the 2 other holes. Obviously, the cord runs down and around the ground stake and then back up to the plastic piece. And also, obviously, you are supposed to be able to take up the slack in the loop and the plastic piece is supposed to hold the tension. You are supposed to just pull up on it until the slack is out and then it is supposed to stay in place. But, the cord came out of the bottom 2 holes and I'm not clear on how it should be threaded so that it keeps tension.

  • #2
    Holding the plastic piece flat...Top of it we'll call North, bottom we'll call South.

    Tent rope through the top hole (North to South)
    Then through the second hole (South to North)
    Then the rope goes around the stake
    Then through the third hole(South to North)
    Tie a knot after going through the third hole

    Pull the slack through using the piece of rope between hole 1 and 2.
    Forum Admin


    • #3
      Tent Tie-down Ops

      Howdy JohnJohn,

      Very good directions! Very good! Say, maybe you could add a sticky to this item or start a new section called tips. I couldn't have said it any better.
      Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
      Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

