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Overweight guy looking for cot

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  • #16
    Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

    Originally posted by Bigdog57 View Post
    With a good foam pad on the cot and a good sleeping bag, inside a tent, the 'heat loss' problem is largely way overblown and simply doesn't occur in real life situations. Been there, done that and proven it. You won't 'die from hypothermia' and can in fact be quite cozy, comfy and warm. Proven fact, not conjecture or scientific wild-arsed guesswork.
    I too am heavy and have back problems, and getting up from the ground can be a chore. So, a good heavy duty cot would be quite nice, then I'd need a bigger tent too. :-)
    Mr. Bigdog, hail to you and your kin! We are here on the 3rd planet from the sun. We welcome you in peace! Sadly, on our surface, we are subject to the laws of science regarding heat transfer. We hope that soon you will enter our atmosphere for a visit and explain how your planet is able to live outside of these heretofor long-known facts of thermodynamics. We hope you will share the magic device you carry in your helmet or pack so we may all soon be comfortable sleepers in cold temperatures, whether in pad, cot, hammock or birdsnest. Of course, understand that many of our brethren have either not attended, or have been sleeping while in their science classes and believe they themselves do live outside of these laws. You may find yourself strangely welcomed by these people, we caution you to simply humor them and carry on. People of Earth :cool:
    Last edited by tplife; 03-08-2013, 04:35 PM.
    “People have such a love for the truth that when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.”
    ―Augustine of Hippo, Fifth Century A.D.


    • #17
      Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

      Originally posted by tplife View Post
      Mr. Bigdog, hail to you and your kin! We are here on the 3rd planet from the sun. We welcome you in peace! Sadly, on our surface, we are subject to the laws of science regarding heat transfer. We hope that soon you will enter our atmosphere for a visit and explain how your planet is able to live outside of these heretofor long-known facts of thermodynamics. We hope you will share the magic device you carry in your helmet or pack so we may all soon be comfortable sleepers in cold temperatures, whether in pad, cot, hammock or birdsnest. Of course, understand that many of our brethren have either not attended, or have been sleeping while in their science classes and believe they themselves do live outside of these laws. You may find yourself strangely welcomed by these people, we caution you to simply humor them and carry on. People of Earth :cool:

      Despite the snide comments from the peanut gallery, I still maintain direct personal experience over several years of actually camping - on this good ol' Earth - trumps the dusty old tomes of Elizabethan Scienctific Theory. Get out and try it, before making such blanket statements. You really can enjoy camping in Winter, if you try.
      Longtime Motorcycle Camper. Getting away from it all on two wheels! :cool:


      • #18
        Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

        I use an air mattress, because I camp when it's warm and I actually welcome any cooling the air mattress can offer. My air mattress has lasted years, with no punctures or failure. I might change my mind if I was winter camping, but for now, I'm sticking with my air mattress.


        • #19
          Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

          Originally posted by HogSnapper
          If you're worried about heat loss through an airbed just throw a layer of Reflectix Double Sided in there and be done with it. Simple, cheap and very effective.

          I use six small velcro pieces to attach a layer of reflectix double sided to my sleeping pad. Put the soft velcro on your sleeping pad and the hard velcro on the reflectix. In the summer I only use the pad, in winter I can add the reflectix in about 5 seconds. The reflectix lasts about 30 nights before it's starts getting a little ragged and I cut a new piece off the roll.
          This sounds like a great idea. I'm going to have to give this one a go myself. Thanks for sharing.



          • #20
            Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

            Originally posted by HogSnapper
            If you're worried about heat loss through an airbed just throw a layer of Reflectix Double Sided in there and be done with it.
            Sounds like a good idea. Where do you put the Reflectix? Under the bed or on top?


            • #21
              Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

              Tplife, why do you hark about heat loss all the time? Not everyone is camping in cold situations. Your posts, especially the alien one here, are not helpful and do not benefit anyone but your own ego.


              • #22
                Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                Originally posted by HogSnapper
                A hammock in a tent? Yes! some people are making homemade solutions by stitching up their own enclosed tents that allow the hammock straps to pass through. Here's a video where a guy took an MSR Twin Brothers tent and modified it to accept a hammock:
                That is an interesting rig with the hammock running inside a tent. The wood stove adds another interesting dimension. Personally, I have never felt comfortable with live flames inside tents and have been nervous about sparks coming out of the chimney. Yes, I have camped inside friend's tents with stoves, and it was toasty and comfortable, but I was always at least a little nervous about being inside a tent with a stove.

                I had a friend swear about how safe tent stoves are.... until the day his tent caught on fire. He made it out unharmed, but lost nearly all the gear inside the tent - except, ironically, the stove that started the fire!

                I don't think I could actually sleep if I was wrapped in a sleeping bag, then in a hammock, inside a tent with a wood burning stove. If the tent or hammock caught fire, oh my God. You wouldn't stand a chance getting out.

                I like the Hammock/Tent idea, but without the wood stove inside the tent.


                • #23
                  Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                  I agree that some here are very concerned about heat loss, but that can be critical when the temperatures dive into the 20's and 30's.

                  However, when camping in the hot summer, that layer of air can make a big difference for those of us who get uncomfortably warm at night. I'd even say it's a luxury I don't have at home. I also use one of those Coleman tent fans to keep the air circulating.

                  Different strokes for different folks.


                  • #24
                    Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                    This argument from TP has come up in the past and I have given my statement to him about this so called heat problem. I use a cot with a foam pad and a good sleeping bag during the winter and have never gotten a chill. In fact I have to sometimes unzip my sleeping bag because I get to hot. But he has and I think he will always stick with this Idea that it don’t work due to his funny science. He does not take into account the thermal properties of the foam pad and the sleeping bag along with your body heat and the fact that you are in a tent with no wind blowing under you and that the tent can also help some. So on and so on. But he can think what he wants but until TP goes out and use what I use (or others use) to see for yourself TP, you shouldn’t say the things you do say on hear and make it out that we who do use this equipment are dumb or magical. I just don’t think you are as good with science as you think you are.


                    • #25
                      Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                      WOW! Sorry, I didn't mean to start something here with my original post. I think everybody has their own thing that works for them and I definitely respect them for that. I definitely can't say that one does or doesn't work for me personally until I have tried it. I will say that being a bigger guy, I get hot easily. I am like Nickadeamus. There are a lot of times (no matter where I am sleeping) that I get warm and usually have to kick the covers off of me. So, I don't think heat loss will both me as much. Plus, I don't plan on doing any winter camping right now, as well. Since I am just getting back into camping, I will most likely be going out mid spring to summer. In fact, the way it looks I am going camping in Mark Twain National Forest around May. I definitely plan on trying one of the many great suggestions I have heard here and will let you guys know how it goes.


                      • #26
                        Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                        No need to apologize Brandon, there are some who believe their ways are the only way to camp and other are much more open. It is I who needs to apologize to you. If you ever run into a troublesome Campateer there are ways to correct how you receive messages.

                        How to deal with a troublesome Campateer:

                        Thank you for staying with CampingForums, hopefully those posts that were troubling won't bother you again. We are looking forward to what you select and how you plan to camp. Just remember CampingForums Motto: Every campout is just practice for your next one!
                        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
                        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


                        • #27
                          Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                          Thanks Reno! No, nobody has been troublesome at all! I enjoy hearing everybody's opinion as to what works best for them. I really enjoy these forums. They are such a great place to come and get answers and to just hang out with people who have the same interests. My only problem with these forums is that I tend to spend a little too much time here when I really need to be working! :-)


                          • #28
                            Re: Overweight guy looking for cot

                            Originally posted by Brandon View Post
                            Hi Guys! I am a pretty big guy. I weigh about 365lbs. I am looking for a cot that will hold me. I originally bought the "Big Outdoorsman" cot from Bass Pro that is supposed to hold 600lbs and the first time using it one of the legs bent and snapped off. I thought maybe it was just defective so I exchanged it for the exact same cot and the next one did the same thing and was quickly returned, as well. So, I am looking for a cot that I know will hold my weight. Any other big guys out there that are my size? What cots do you recommend? Thanks!

                            Hi Brandon,
                            I am also heavy-set. I ended up going online to find my cot. I bought two and the one I have now is the best, it a TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot . It's big but that's what I wanted. My wife and I also use it as a guest bed (with a camp mat). I would pass on anything that does not specify the max weight, and just avoid the walk in stores. They don't cater to use.

