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Finding That Ideal Campsite

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  • Finding That Ideal Campsite

    Identifying a good campsite is critical to having a good experience in the outdoors. There are a number of steps you can take to make sure that your camp experience are both memorable and fun. Remember in Leave No Trace ethics a good campsite is found, not made.

    The first step to finding a good campsite when hitting the backcountry is plan ahead. Know where you are going and the terrain you will be expecting. Spend some time looking at topographical maps to get an idea of the area you will be camping in while you are trekking. Although setting up camp along a river or on a ridge isn’t the most brilliant thing you can do, identifying an area that will be comfortable and scenic will be helpful. Maybe there is a bluff a short distance away to watch the sunset over a valley, and walk out again to see the morning fog below. If you are going out into the southwest, maybe there are nearby rock formations that will glimmer ghostly in the moonlight.

    You also need to bring the right equipment with you when camping. If you are going to be out above the tree line on a windswept mountaintop bringing an A-frame tent with regular stakes may make for a pretty poor experience. Bring a Tunnel tent into the rocky southwest, and you may not be able to find a place to drive your stakes through the ground! Self-erecting dome tents afford the most versatility to conditions, but they are not perfect. If you will be camping on a beach, in soft sand or the snow, make sure to bring special stakes that are perforated or are barbed to bite into the soft ground. Sand and snow stakes can be 9” to 12” long, or longer.

    So you get to your potential spot and it hasn’t already been taken, now what? Evaluate the area where you are going to setup camp. You want to find a level area free of tree roots and rocks. Unless you are setting up camp in a prepared site, never camp within 200 feet of a standing or moving water source or in a riparian habitat. You should never setup camp on or along a trail. Camp should be out of sight from the trail you are traveling and out of sight from fellow campers. Never modify an area by removing rocks, logs or vegetation to create the perfect campsite. Always follow Leave No Trace ethics. An area with firm soil is best.

    You don’t want to be directly under a tree, in the event of a sudden storm the tree could serve as a lightning rod, it could get blown down, and the tree will drip sap all over your rainfly on your tent. Setting up camp on a rise, slightly above the rest of the terrain will aid in making sure water doesn’t start flowing through your camp if it rains. If you are camping near water, or where water could flow, be sure to camp above the high water mark. Washes are very tempting areas to setup camp, but could be disastrous in the middle of the night. Even if it hasn’t rained in your area a dam release or rainstorm 500 miles away can send water rushing through. Don’t camp on a ridge. The exposed area is susceptible to both lightning and wind. Again, ridges are tempting areas as they are typically flat and offer tremendous views.

    Now you have narrowed the area down further, you have found a nice flat spot in a clearing, about five hundred feet from a wonderful bluff and six hundred feet from a clean water source. A light breeze cuts through the trees that will help keep the insects away, and there are no rocks or tree roots to keep you up with a sore back. Now what? You’re not quite ready to pitch camp, but your close. Look around at the area. Are there signs of animal activity including runs, paths or droppings? Are there signs of insect activity including anthills, trails, or a large number of spider webs or dragonflies? Do you see signs that water has flowed through your potential campsite during heavy rain? Setting up camp in the middle of a deer run will increase the chances of unwanted visitors in the middle of the night. Remember that hoofed mammals aren’t the only ones using these forest trails, and a deer can do a number to a campsite if properly startled. Setting up camp in the middle of a deep east Texas fire ant colony can bring about another kind of unwanted visitor.

    OK, no trails, no bugs, no water, no roots, no rocks, no water near by, no other camps setup, and no ridges. A wonderful view is only a minute walk away, and clean water is a minute walk in the other direction. You're ready to setup camp! Use a drop cloth to setup your tent on. Putting a drop cloth on the ground first helps protect the bottom of your tent, helps keep it clean, and acts as an additional barrier between you and the ground. As children we were taught to dig a trench around our tents, no more. Leave No Trace ethics means not ripping up the ground. If you took the precautions above water won’t be flowing into your tent at 3:00 in the morning.

    In the summer orient the openings in your tent to catch the breeze in the night. If the site you selected has a fire ring or grate, make sure the prevailing wind doesn’t carry smoke into your tent. Stake your tent off properly, even if it is self-erecting. In the event of severe weather, people have been carried off in their tents as they roll along the ground! Make sure you properly store your food products safely in a tree or in a bear canister. Storing your food isn’t just to prevent marauding bears from coming through, raccoons, skunks, porcupines and other forest critters can wipe out your food supplies and do a lot of damage to your equipment.

    Finding the perfect camp takes a little preparation and a little time, but goes a long way to increasing your enjoyment when heading to outdoor places. If you want to add your own $0.02 please feel free to do so. The last time I looked this was still the best camping forum on the planet and we learn from each other. Thanks for looking, get camping!
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

  • #2
    Re: Finding That Ideal Campsite

    Great suggestions! But sometimes all the prep in the world -- and I recently did that with a three week trip -- can't make up for unforeseen challenges. I learned a lot on the recent trip and made some adjustments along the way that helped greatly. But the rocky earth situation is a real problem when a tent has to be staked down to stay erect. I just ordered the Monk heavy duty 18" stakes and hope that helps make my summer six week camping trip a better experience in the wonderful Kodiak Flex Bow. Nonetheless, I am now concerned about encountering rocky soil and will be going over my reserved sites a bit more diligently over the next few months which is going to include calls to Rangers ahead of time. Hauling that 79 pound tent over to a site and finding nothing but rock just about ruined me for tent camping. I'll give it another try this summer.


    • #3
      Re: Finding That Ideal Campsite

      I recently met a couple who camp almost every week-end in the 3 seasons. In our "off season", they take day trips on week-ends and scope out campgrounds within a 3-4 drive. They make notes about each campsite (soil, terrain, view, etc). Then they have useful info to help them choose their ideal site. 'Course this doesn't work for trips further away.
      Total nights sleeping outdoors in 2013: 28


      • #4
        Re: Finding That Ideal Campsite

        Well put HS! Great added points! Thanks for chiming in, was worried some gator got you! heehee!
        Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
        Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult


        • #5
          Re: Finding That Ideal Campsite


          Thank you for using Monk Stakes. Our standard stakes are really tough and heavy duty, but if you encounter really rocky soil we have a stake that is "heat treated" or hardened. This is a stake made to Mil Specs for the U.S. ARMY. They use these for rocky or frozen ground. They are the toughest stake you can buy. Almost indestructible. They only come in 12" lengths, but in hard, rocky ground it is hard to get a stake really deep anyway. You can see them here....


          • #6
            Re: Finding That Ideal Campsite

            Interesting to read the post by Monk Industry offering heat treated hardened stakes for rocky and winter conditions. That would be nice. This winter I drove some Coleman brand stakes into the frozen ground which went "OK", but getting them out was damned near impossible. I whacked the stakes back and forth to loosen them from the ground, but they bent and made it even more difficult to get them out.

            Anyway, if you live in a place where you might be camping on top of a rock plate where no stake could possibly be used, it is nice to have some 2'X2' fabric squares that you can fill with sand or dirt, tie off the corners, and use as weights for your guy lines. If you have a heavy canvas tent, then you would need bigger fabric/weights.

