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Coffee Pot

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  • Coffee Pot

    I was going to get a Power Inverter for my van just for making Coffee. I was wondering what Watt to buy? I looked in the old Search stuff but did't see anything that helped me. Thanks again David

  • #2
    Re: Coffee Pot

    i might go to the store (or check your own) and see how much wattage the coffee pot you intend to use consumes, and then get the NEXT BIGGEST inverter.

    this page here says that a coffee pot isn't a real hog:

    you can get away with a pretty small inverter.


    • #3
      Re: Coffee Pot

      woops, of course i was looking at the chart wrong. 1200 watts is a decent inverter. but anyhow, now you know. :D


      • #4
        Re: Coffee Pot

        You just need to see how many watts your coffee pot draws and get an invertor that can supply it. If your coffee pot tells you amps, then you take the amps and multiply it by the voltage. IE 2 amp times 120 volts is 240 watts. But is should tell you watts. If the invertor costs to much money, then search coffee in the search block. There are some pretty good threads on here about camping coffee options.
        Nights camped in 2019: 24
        Nights camped in 2018: 24


        • #5
          Re: Coffee Pot

          Thanks for the info I will look on line and and see what I can find. Thanks Again David


          • #6
            Re: Coffee Pot

            This is crazy talk.... worrying abour electricity and coffee maker.

            Have you considered using a flame powered percolator or maybe one of those old 1950's/1960's inversion coffee makers like Liz Taylor and Richard Burton would have usesd?

            I mean, after all, you are camping, right? Ask yourself, "what would Liz Taylor do?"


            • #7
              Re: Coffee Pot

              when the wife and i go, we do just that, Mike. sometimes, we'll even bring packets of the instant stuff and just do it over the grille. i know, i know.... blasphemy. :D


              • #8
                Re: Coffee Pot

       Give this site a try... Using an inverter too make coffee is overkill
                Proud owner of the Kodiak canvas 10 x 14 deluxe flex bow tent..


                • #9
                  Re: Coffee Pot

                  Originally posted by Skwerly View Post
                  when the wife and i go, we do just that, Mike. sometimes, we'll even bring packets of the instant stuff and just do it over the grille. i know, i know.... blasphemy. :D
                  Well, I understand that coffee is very important to some folks and they can be pretty particular about it.

                  As a suggestion for coffee lovers, I obtained from Japan some small pouches made from nonwoven material that are aproximatly 2.5"X1.5". They are designed something like the old-school sandwich bags with the fold-over lip a a closure.

                  With these, I can create a variety of different coffees to suite the needs for each person in the group: Dark Roast for George, French Roast for John, Decaf for Paul, and Blue Mountain for Ringo.

                  It might not be the same as a French Press or expresso or drip maker, but you can adjust the amount of coffee you use and the amount of time it steeps. Pretty cool really.

                  Best yet, I don't have to carry any special coffee making equipment.

                  (PS: The manufacturer is Kyowa. Another manufacturer is Yunomi


                  • #10
                    Re: Coffee Pot

                    A little ways off the coffee subject, but here is why we use an inverter.......
                    My son has bad allergies and sometimes he had has to do breathing treatments. So its either buy an inverter and take the machine with us, or he doesn't go camping. The allergy season is bad enough but now couple it with all the smoke in the air. that doctors are getting slammed with visits from allergy sufferers. Last time he let he couldn't get his allergies under control and let it morph into walking pneumonia.
                    So it may suck to buy and install a $100 inverter, but its either that or not take the son camping.
                    Nights camped in 2019: 24
                    Nights camped in 2018: 24


                    • #11
                      Re: Coffee Pot

                      Another +1 to a percolator over a fire. Makes the best coffee in the world IMHO!


                      • #12
                        Re: Coffee Pot

                        How about the Coleman Propane Coffee maker? I have one of them. Its bulky yes, however I car camp so its no big deal. Makes a nice drip pot of coffee just like at home.


                        • #13
                          Re: Coffee Pot

                          Thanks for any the great replys. I do not have a stove yet I was going to cook over a grill. Can you do this with a percolator? And how long do you let set over the heat, grill or stove to make coffee? I was looking at the blue stone looking pot by Ozark Trail ant Walmat.But the info is not very good on the lable On how to use . Can ya'll give me some pointers on how this thing works over grill and stove? I hate to sound dumb but I need some help I NEED MY COFFEE Thanks David


                          • #14
                            Re: Coffee Pot

                            12Volt coffee pot can be found at most truck stops Trucker loves their coffee.


                            • #15
                              Re: Coffee Pot

                              Originally posted by david gossett View Post
                              Thanks for any the great replys. I do not have a stove yet I was going to cook over a grill. Can you do this with a percolator? And how long do you let set over the heat, grill or stove to make coffee? I was looking at the blue stone looking pot by Ozark Trail ant Walmat.But the info is not very good on the lable On how to use . Can ya'll give me some pointers on how this thing works over grill and stove? I hate to sound dumb but I need some help I NEED MY COFFEE Thanks David
                              David: I got a chuckle to learn that you planned to buy a coffee maker before you buy a gas stove. Hey, that is OK. At least you know your priorities. Of course, you might be drinking coffee waiting for dinner some nights!

                              Making coffee with a perculator is very easy. If you want to experiment for a buck, go to your local thrift store. Ours are full of them.

                              First, buy regular grind coffee for percolators. Fine grind gets past the filter into the coffee and it tents to taste too bitter.

                              Just fill the cold water to just below the bottom of the basket when the basket is in the pot. Add coffee into the basket - just take a guess based on the amount you use for drip coffee. Your next pot you can adjust.

                              Put to the fire and wait for the water to start belching into the glass bulb on top of the coffee pot lid. It will start out slow at first, then go wild. Watch the color of the coffee in the bulb. When it seems about right, take the pot off the fire. Generally, it is done in about five minuts of percolating or less.

