
No announcement yet.'s 2011 Adventures

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  •'s 2011 Adventures

    We will be using this thread to showcase some of the adventures we have had and will have in 2011. We hope you Enjoy.
    Don't let the cold of winter deter you from enjoying the great outdoors! We spent New Years snowshoeing into one of the U.S. Forest Service cabins located in Southeast Idaho. The temperatures dipped to -15F at night, but we stayed nice and warm inside thanks to the cabin's propane heater. We rented our snow shoes from a local ski shop and packed up our gear and headed out for an evening in the snow.
    Hiking into the cabin

    The cabin


    Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD

  • #2
    Re:'s 2011 Adventures

    New Year's cont.

    Enjoying the snow

    New Year's Day!!!

    Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD


    • #3
      Idaho Overland Expedition pre-run

      I set out on June 4 to develop a route from Ashton, ID to Howe, ID by way of dirt roads. The trip was a scouting trip for the upcoming Idaho Overland Expedition 2011 where we will be traveling across Idaho on dirt and gravel roads.
      Aston to Red Road Recreation Area took 1.25 hrs (25-30mph)
      Red Road Recreation Area to Hammer took 45 minutes (30-35mph)
      Hamer to Highway 22 took 45 minutes (60mph!!)
      Here are some pictures from the day's trip:
      There is still snow on the Tetons!

      Stream Crossing on Sand Creek Road

      Camas National Wildlife Refuge

      Camas-Monteview Road

      You can find out more about our trip by clicking here.

      Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD


      • #4
        Re: Idaho Overland Expedition pre-run

        After the Independence Day Parade in Leadore, we headed East on Highway 28 toward the Birch Creek area. During the late 180's and early 1900s the Birch Creek area was filled with mining activities. The first major mining in the area was for lead at the Viola Mine, and in 1885 16 charcoal kilns were constructed across the valley to help supply charcoal to the mine's smelter. The kilns were in operation for only two years when the quality of ore produced in the mine began to decrease, resulting in the mine's closure and subsequent closure of the smelter and kilns. Four of the original sixteen kilns remain as a monument to a forgotten time.

        More photos can be found on our blog here: Birch Creek Kilns

        Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD


        • #5
          2011 Independence Day Parade - Leadore, ID

          We picked up our campsite on Agency Creek on Monday July 4th, and headed into Leadore, ID to fuel up the 4Runner so we could head down the highway to photograph the Birch Creek Charcoal Kilns and explore Skull Canyon. When we arrived in Leadore, the town of 90 was spilling over with cars, trucks, and campers. The area was a beehive of activity. It was 11am and families had already been set up on the two block parade route, one end of town to the other, for several hours.
          After fueling up the 4Runner, we were warmly invited to pull up to the street and enjoy the parade, which started at noon. We must say, we were glad we did! What a wonderful group of people and a friendly town. It is events and people like this that remind us just how lucky we are to live where we do and enjoy the freedoms that allow us to travel to the places we do!

          More photographs can be found on our blog here: Independence Day Parade

          Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD


          • #6
            Re:'s 2011 Adventures

            We also spent some time over the 4th weekend to drive along the Lewis and Clark Back Country Byway. It was beautiful and we enjoyed the views and the hot springs along the way.
            Our camp at the Agency Creek Campground

            When we were taking a break from exploring the area, we were enjoying the Sharkey Hot Springs

            We took one of the side roads off of the South leg of the byway, Flume Creek Road.

            We attempted to drive into Reservoir Lake by following the road signs at the nort end of the byway but were met with snow.

            Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD


            • #7
              Re:'s 2011 Adventures

              Looks like you had a Good O'l time there Beau, but you forgot the snowshoes for the pup.
              Staying DRY is what it is all about and a little shade from a hot sun isn’t bad either.


              • #8
                Re:'s 2011 Adventures

                The winter trip was a lot of fun. It takes a lot for our dog to get tired, jumping through snow is one of those things! We did have a set of 'dog shoes' to keep the snow from building up between his pads. He wasn't sure what to think of them until he jumped into the snow and realized their benefit.

                Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD


                • #9
                  Re:'s 2011 Adventures

                  Holly Lake Hike - Grand Teton National Park

                  String Lake

                  I had the wonderful opportunity to join a couple of my colleagues for a hike in Grand Teton National Park. Our destination was Holly Lake at the top of Paintbrush Canyon. The 6.2 mile trail would take us along String Lake, up Paintbrush Canyon, and to Holly Lake where we would enjoy lunch before heading back down the trail.

                  String Lake

                  Paintbrush Canyon

                  More photos can be found on our blog here: Holly Lake Hike

                  Gourmet Cooking * Travel * 4WD

