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Cycle Camp idea - Atlanta area

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  • Cycle Camp idea - Atlanta area

    I was going to post this in the Southeast section but it appears to be for tent only recommendations. For this trip idea/itinerary the campgrounds do allow RVs.

    Atlanta to Alabama Ride:
    The Silver Comet Trail starts just outside of west Atlanta and goes for 65 miles to the state line. It is a rails to trails project and paved. Along the way there are a couple of small towns to stop and eat and refill water bottles. Seven miles inside Alabama is a campground on the trail called the Chief Ladiga Campground. It is still under construction but they let me stay there and use the new bath house. The trail continues into AL for another 30 miles, on the AL side the trail is known as the Chief Ladiga Trail.

    The first time I did this trip I rode out from Atlanta, stayed overnight at the campground, and came back the next day. The second time I did the trip I drove my gear to the campground and spent 2 days riding out and back. The trail on the AL side also passes through a university town (Jacksonville State) so it has some nice bars and restaurants that I visited on the second trip.

    The Chief Ladiga Campground is located in a national forest. It is a fairly rural area around it so not a lot of light pollution at night. I have stayed there twice and been the only camper there both times. I'm not sure what has taken them so long to fully build it out but nevertheless I've enjoyed staying there with the close proximity of the trail. You can literally turn off the trail into the back of the campground.

  • #2
    Re: Cycle Camp idea - Atlanta area

    If a thread is designed for a specific region it needs to go into that specific region. The tent only recommendations is just a thread unto itself and doesn't control the entire region. So I move it. Don't fret, it will be read worldwide. We do have an international campateers as well! Thanks
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

