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Desert Wildlife Range, Nevada

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  • Desert Wildlife Range, Nevada

    This is the area that I'll be traveling to over the Labor Day Weekend. Just thought I'd share. And yes, I'm hoping to find Bighorn Sheep!

    Welcome to Desert NWR

    The Desert National Wildlife Refuge was established May 20, 1936, and encampasses 1.5 million acres of the diverse Mojave Desert in southern Nevada. It is the largest National Wildlife Refuge in the lower 48 states. The Refuge contains six major mountain ranges, the highest rising from 2,500-foot valleys to nearly 10,000 feet. Annual rainfall ranges from less than four inches on the valley floors to over fifteen inches on the highest peaks.

    Refuge staff work at the Corn Creek Field Station, located approximately 23 miles north of Las Vegas. This is the major access point to the range and can be reached by traveling north on U.S. Highway 95. A sign on the east side of the highway marks the four mile gravel road to Corn Creek. Before traveling through the range, visitors are advised to check fuel, water, spare tire, et cetera, and notify someone of their travel plans.

    Perpetuating the desert bighorn sheep and its habitat is the most important objective of the range. The Refuge actively improves bighorn habitats by developing new water sources and maintaining and improving existing ones. Numerous other wildlife species share the range with bighorns.

    Plant communities and wildlife found on the Refuge vary with altitude and climate. Most of these plant species can be seen while driving the Morman Well Road. The desert shrub community, composed of creosote bush and white bursage are the dominant shrubs in the hottest, lowest elevations of Desert National Wildlife Refuge. Above the valley floor, Mojave yucca and cactus become abundant. At the upper edge of the desert shrub communities, between approximately 4,200 feet to 6,000 feet, black-brush and Joshua tree are dominant. Above 6,000 feet desert woodlands, composed of single-leaf pinyon, Utah juniper, and big sagebrush begin. The coniferous forest communities begin around 7,000 feet. From 7,000 to 9,000 Ponderosa pine and white fir are the dominant trees. Near 10,000 feet where the growing seasons are the shortest, the only trees surviving are bristlecone pines.
    Numerous recreational opportunities are available on the Refuge. Camping, hiking, backpacking, and horseback riding are all popular activities enjoyed by refuge visitors. Limited hunting for bighorn sheep is permitted. Please contact the Refuge Manager for additional information. Birdwatching is also a popular activity, with a bird list available at the Refuge or online. An active volunteer program provides additional opportunities to enjoy the refuge and students may be able to earn college credits through an internship at the refuge.
    Last edited by renodesertfox; 09-02-2009, 05:57 PM.
    Get campin', Renodesertfox A canvas campateer
    Campin' Here Between Campouts! Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult